Chapter 22: Ethics and Values

  1. belief about the worth of something, about what matters, that acts as a standard to guide one's behavior
  2. organization of values in which each is ranked along a continuum of importance, often leading to a personal code of conduct
    Value System
  3. process by which people come to understand their own values and value system
    Values Clarification
  4. systematic inquiry into principles of right and wrong conduct, of virtue and vice, and of good and evil as they relate to conduct and human flourishing
  5. refers to personal of communal standards of right and wrong
  6. promotes a philosophy that focuses on understanding relationships, especially personal narratives
    ethics of care
  7. the formal study of ethical issues that arise in the practice of nursing and of the analysis used by nurses to make ethical judgments
    Nursing Ethics
  8. The value of something is determined by its usefulness to society
  9. an action is right or wrong independent of its consequences
  10. combines elements of both utilitarian and deontologic theories and offers specific action guides for practice
    Principle-Based Approach
  11. self-determination; respect the rights of patients or their surrogates to make healthcare decisions
  12. do no harm
  13. benefit the patient, and balance benefits against risks and harms
  14. give each his or her due; act fairly
  15. keep promises
  16. these arise when attempted adherence to basic ethical prinicples results in two conflicting courses of action
    Ethical Dilemmas
  17. attention is directed to the specific situatinos of individual patients viewed within the context oftheir life narrative
    Care-Based Approach
  18. particular type of ethical approach popular among nurses; aims to critique existing patterns of oppression and domination in society, especially as these affect women and the poor
    Feminist Ethics
  19. unrealistic assumption that the simple desire to be a nurse is accompanied by the natural ability to behave in an ethical way and to do the ethically right thing because it is teh right thing to do
    Ethnical Agency
  20. set of principles that reflect the primary goals, values, and obligations of the profession
    Code of Ethics
  21. occurs when the nurse knows the right thing to do but either personal or institutional factors make it difficult to follow the correct course of action
    Ethical Distress
  22. acting for patients without their consent to secure good or prevent harm
  23. the protection and support of another's rights
  24. informed conesent
    protects the client's right to self-determination in healthcare decision making
  25. double effect
    the action can produce 2 outcomes that can be helpful and harmful at the same time
  26. living will
    what medical treatment a patient would like if they were unable to speak for themselves
  27. the ability to answer for one's actions
  28. the fair distribution of resources
  29. the ability to operate independently
  30. Duty associated with a particular role.
  31. Keeping a client's privacy
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Chapter 22: Ethics and Values
Chapter 22: Ethics and Values Nursing 100