Anatomy & Physiology

  1. _____ is the chemical in innate immunity that blocks viral reproduction.
  2. The ______ is the serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity.
  3. _____ sweep mucus and pathogens out of the larynx and trachea.
    Ciliated Epithelium
  4. The CNS respiratory centers are located in the _____.
    Medulla and Pons
  5. ______ is the water found within the capillaries.
  6. The pancreatic digestive enzyme that digests starch is ______.
  7. _______ is the air pressure outside the body.
    Atmospheric Pressure
  8. The _______ are branches of the trachea that go to each lung.
  9. _______ is inside capillaries but is made from tissue fluid.
  10. _______ is part of gastric juice that kills most of the bacteria that enters the stomach.
    Hydrochloric Acid
  11. ______ is permitted in the alveoli by the simple squamous epithelium.
  12. Humans do not get diseases of insects because of ______.
  13. ______ found in larger lymph vessels prevent backflow of lymph.
  14. ______ are the parts of the bronchial tree that open into the alveoli.
  15. The pancreatic digestive enzyme that digests fats is ______.
  16. Intrinsic factor in gastric juice prevents the digestion of ______.
    Vitamin B12
  17. ______ are the white blood cells produced by lumph nodes and nodules.
  18. lgG is the class of ______ that provide long term immunity following recovery of a disease.
  19. The ______ is the digestive organ that is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity.
  20. ______ found in tears is part of the innate immunity that inhibits bacterial growth .
  21. Submaxillary lymph nodes are found near the ______.
  22. Presence of _______ within alveoli makes inflation of alveoli possible.
  23. The ______ prevents the backup of food from the small intestine to the stomach.
  24. ________ takes place in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine.
  25. Popliteal lymph nodes are found near the _______.
  26. The pancreatic digestive enzyme that digests protein is _______.
  27. A lung will _______ if the atmospheric pressure enters one side of the chest cavity.
  28. The nerves to the diaphragm are the _______.
  29. The lymph node destroy _______ in the lymph that is returning from the extremities.
  30. ________ is the process of breaking food into smaller pieces.
    Mechanical Digestion
  31. The duodenum, jejunum, and ileum are the parts of the ______ listed in the order that food passes through them.
    Small Intestines
  32. _______ antibodies are able to cross the placenta.
  33. The _______ are the lymph nodules of the pharynx.
  34. The ______ prevents backup of fecal material from the colon to the small intestine.
  35. _______ are the end products of protein digestion.
    Amino Acids
  36. _______ destroy any pathogens or air pollution that reaches the alveoli.
  37. ______ are the cells in the spleen that phagoctize old RBCs.
  38. The digestive function of the liver is the production of ________.
  39. ________ are recognized with the help of helper T cells.
  40. Backup of food from the stomach to the esophagus is prevented by the ______ Sphincter.
  41. ________ are lymphocytes that are produced in the thymus.
    T Cells
  42. ________ is the volume of air in the greatest inhalation followed by the most forceful exhalation.
  43. The _______ provides voluntary control of the defecation reflex.
  44. The digestive function of bile is to _______.
    Emulsify Fats
  45. The _______ warms and moistens inhaled air.
    Nasal Mucosa
  46. The effects of parasympathetic nerve impulses on the alimentary tube is to ________.
  47. The _______ and ________ muscles contract which assists inhalation.
    Diaphragm / External Intercoastal
  48. The ______ covers the larynx during swallowing.
  49. The strongest stimulus in blood for breathing is a high level of ________.
  50. The _______ are the cranials nerves to the alimentary tube.
  51. The digestive organ that stores and concentrates bile and contracts to propel bile to the duodenum is the _______ .
  52. _______ is the tissue that keeps the airways of the larynx and trachea open.
  53. _______ prevents friction between the pleural membrane during breathing.
    Serous Fluid
Card Set
Anatomy & Physiology
Ogeechee Tech Anatomy