Hematology Review

  1. Hematocrit refernce range for male and female
    • Male: 42 - 52%
    • Female: 37 - 47%
  2. What are 3 types of microcytic/hypochromic anemias?
    • Iron Deficiency anema (IDA)
    • Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD)
    • Sideroblastic Anemia
  3. Group of red cell disorders that involve a defect in hgb synthesis due to deficiency of iron and abnormal utilization of iron
    Microcytic hypochromic anemias
  4. Reticulocyte reference range
    0.5 - 2.0%
  5. Seen using supervital stain
    Useful in determining the response and potential of the bone marrow
    Non-nucleated RBC's; contain RNA
    Reticulocyte Count
  6. Reference range for MCH
    27-31 pg
  7. Reference range for MCV
    80-100 FL
  8. Reference range for MCHC
    32 - 36%
  9. What are 3 methods of measuring Hgb?
    • Cyanmethhemoglobin
    • Oxyhemoglobin
    • Method in which iron contentis measured
  10. What are 2 types of hemolysis?
    • Intracorpuscular (Congenital)
    • Extracorpuscular (Aquired)
  11. Name the type of hemolysis:
    Problem is within the red cell or red cell membrane
  12. Name the type of hemolysis:
    Cause by antibodies, mechanical damage.
  13. Name the 2 types of maturation disorders:
    • Nuclear abnormality
    • Cytoplasmic abnormality
  14. Name the maturation disorder:
    Nucleus does not develop as fast as the cytoplasm
    Nuclear abnormality (B12 deficiency)
  15. Name the maturation disorder:
    globulin chains are not being synthesized at the proper rate.
    Cytoplasmic abnormality (Thalassemia)
  16. What are 3 important functions of iron?
    • Cellular growth
    • O2 transport
    • Proliferation of RBC's
  17. Reference range for total body iron
    3500 - 4000 mg
  18. Where is 2/3 of the total body iron located?
    Where is 1/3 of the total body iron located?
    • 2/3 in Hgb
    • 1/3 stored as ferritin or hemosiderin
  19. Regulation of Fe absorption occurs where?
    Intestinal Mucosa
  20. Name the iron storage form:
    Major storage form of iron
    Water soluble
    Easily mobilized by the body for utilization
  21. Name the iron storage form:
    Not water soluble
    Released more slowly than ferritin
    Less readily available for utilization
  22. Measure of transferrin bound in iron
    Serum Iron
  23. Total amount of iron that can be bound by transferrin in plasma or serum.
    Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
  24. Total lack of body iron
    Iron Deficiency Anemia
  25. Causes of IDA
    • Increased demand for Iron
    • Abnormal utilization of iron
    • poor diet malabsorption
  26. What are some lab findings with a person who has IDA?
    • Decreased serum ferritin
    • RBC morphology normal
    • RDW increased
    • Hemosiderin absent or decreased
    • TIBC increased
    • Retic count increased
  27. What are some lab findings with a person who has AOI?
    • Decreased Iron
    • Decreased TIBC
    • Decreased SAT
  28. What are some lab findings with a person who has sideroblastic anemia (SA)?
    • Poikilocytosis, Anisocytosis, Basophilic stippling, Pappenheimer bodies
    • Increased: Saturation, RDW, FEP, Fe
    • Ringed sideroblasts > 40%
  29. Decrease or absent synthesis of one of the constituent globin chains due to genetic mutation
  30. Name the thalassemia:
    Seen primarily in the Mediterranean
    Beta thalassemia
  31. Name the thalassemia:
    Seen primarily in Southeast Asia and Continental Africa
    Alpha thalassemia
  32. What is the pH used when performing hemoglobin electrophoresis?
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Hematology Review