Ch 24 vocab

  1. Hyugen's principle
    • Light as a wave
    • "Every point on a wave front can be considered as a source of tiny wavelets that spread out in the forward direction at the speed of the wave itself. The new wave front is the envelope of all the wavelets... that is, tangent to all of them."
  2. Diffraction
    The bending of waves behind obstacles in the "shadow region" (proves light can be a wave)
  3. Wave interference
    Double slit experiments,should see two slits of light but instead get a series of bright lines
  4. Monochromatic
    One color
  5. Constructive interference
    When wave amps add together to form a larger amplitude, creative a bright area
  6. Destructive interference
    When wave amps are exactly out of phase and add together to create an amp of zero, creating dark lines (also called fringes)
  7. M, order
    Order of the fringes, where the center spot is 0
  8. Coherent sources
    • Sources with the same wavelength and frequency, and bear the same phase relationship to each other at all times
    • Interference patterns will only occur with coherent sources
  9. Intensity
    The energy light carries per unit area per unit time
  10. Dispersion
    When light spreads into the colors it's made up of, most commonly when white light spreads into the full spectrum
  11. Diffraction pattern
    • Bright and dark fringes from a single slit, resembling a double slit, due to interference of waves diffracted around the slit or whatever
    • Exists around any sharp object illuminated by a point source
  12. Diffraction grating
    A large number of equally spaced parallel slits
  13. Spectrum
    Pattern resulting from light spread out into its component wavelengths by a diffraction grating
  14. Line spectrum
    Where only certain discrete wavelengths of light are emitted. These are different for different elements and compounds.
  15. Thin film interference
    When different wavelengths of light are reflected vs continue through by two different mediums, one on top of the other, creating colorful reflections seen on soap bubbles, thin layer of oil on water, etc.
  16. Polarization
    When waves are only allowed in a certain plane(s)
Card Set
Ch 24 vocab
Ch 24, light