
  1. function of Muscular foot
  2. function of visceral mass
    contains internal organs
  3. function of mantle
    covers the visceral mass
  4. what is the mantle cavity
    a water filled chamber that houses the gills
  5. radula
    a rasping organ used for scraping up food
  6. Do all mollusc have radula
    Most have
  7. what do bright colors signify
    toxic, don't eat me
  8. what kind of a system do mollusc have that nematodes and flatworm miss
  9. diff grps of mollusc
    gastropods, cephalopods, bivalves
  10. largest grp of mollusc
  11. which group of mollusc live on land
  12. distinct feature of gastropods
    A single spiral shell and a distinct head with eyes on tips of tentacles
  13. Function of shell in mollusc
    For protection when the animal feels threatened
  14. How do mollusc breathe
    By lining of the mantle cavity
  15. how are slugs different from other mollusc
    They don't have a shell and mantle
  16. How do slugs breathe
    slug have projections on them that function as gills
  17. Ex. of bivalves
    clams, oysters, mussels and scallops
  18. describe Bivalve shells
    two halve shells that are hinged together
  19. How do bivalves feed
    suspension feeders
  20. function of mantle in bivalves
    for housing the gills.
  21. in Bivalves-Gills function
    gas exchange as well as for feeding a function of
  22. Where are bivalves found
    found in the Mud
  23. Are bibalves motile or sedentery
  24. can skitter along the sea floor by flapping its shell

    1) mussel
    2) scallop
    scallop flap its shell and
  25. Nautilus is an example of
    Cephalopod is the example of
  26. Which mollusc is the most agile and fast at moving
  27. which cephalopod has a shell and which cephalopd misses one
    squid has a shell, while octopus misses a shell
  28. which mollusc has the most sophisticated eyes in the animal kingdom
  29. which phylum has the most sophisticated eyes
  30. how do mollusc capture their prey
    mollusc use tentacles
  31. how do mollusc rip and crush the prey
    mollusc have radulla
  32. Where is the mouth in the cephalopod
    near the foot
  33. which is the most intelligent invertebrates
  34. Annelids are worms with
  35. annelids- Phylum is
    phylum Annelida
  36. Ex of annelids
    Earthworm, leeches, polychaetes
  37. use of segmented bodies in annelids makes the body
    annelids are flexible
  38. what does segmented body in annelids help in?
    in annelids, burrowing and crawling in the soil
  39. Which are the three systems found in annelids
    • nervous system made up of brain and nerve cord
    • excretory system: dispose fluid waste
    • digestive tract- passes from mouth to anus
  40. which system in annelids is not segemented
    in annelids the excretory system is the only one.
  41. open circulatory system
    Blood is pumped thro blood vessels that opens into the body cavity and so organs are bathed in blood
  42. Closed circulatory system
    • Blood circulates the body through vessels
    • It distributes nutrients and oxygen he body throughtout the body
  43. Ex of open circulatory system
    mollusc, arthropods
  44. Ex of closed circulatory system
    annelids and vertebrates
  45. what is the function of thickened region in earthworms
    to pick eggs and receive sperms
  46. A single Earthworm can produce both eggs and sperms so it is called a
  47. which is the largest grp of annelids
  48. where do polychaetes name come from
    name came from hair or bristles
  49. polychaetes have appendages filled with
    1) water
    blood in polychates
  50. how do polychaetes breath
  51. what function as gills in polychaetes
    in polychaetes the appendages
  52. Leeches are famous for
    blood sucking habit
  53. who are used in medicine
    leeches are used
  54. how are leeches used in medicine
    to produce anticoagulant to dissolve blood clots formed during surgery or heart disease
  55. arthropods-phylum is
  56. ex of arthropoda
    crayfish, crabs, spiders, ticks, insects, spiders, barnacles, lobsters
  57. what does phylum arthropoda mean
    this phylum means jointed appendages
  58. eg of annelid and plathyhelminthes that are parasitic
    leech and tapeworm
  59. Arthropods body are covered by
    arthropods- have exoskeleton
  60. what is molting
    sheding of the shell
  61. Different appendages in arthropods
    appendages found are head, thorax and the abdomen
  62. Describe the appendages in arthropods
    • head: sensory antenna, eyes and mouth.
    • Thorax: defensive appendages
    • abdomen: swimming appendages
  63. Chelicerates are
  64. ex. of Chelicerates
    Horseshoe crabs, spiders, ticks, mites and scorpions collectively called arachanids
  65. arachanids include
    mites, spiders, ticks, and scorpions
  66. millipedes have how many legs in each seg
    2 legs in each seg
  67. centipedes have how many legs in each seg
    1 leg in each seg
  68. ex of Crustaceans
    Crabs, lobsters, crayfishes, and barnacles
  69. how do barnacles feed
    They strain the food from water using jointed appendages
  70. Why are insects considered the most successful animal?
    They have segmented body, an exoskeleton, jointed appendages, the cuticles is water proof, metamorphosis
Card Set
evolution, annelids,mollusc, American River college