Loren bio 9

  1. What is hydrostatic movement? What animals use it?
    • flatworms, annelids
    • They have longitude and circular muscles and they squeeze the water in them to propel forward
  2. Whats the difference between compact vs. spongy bone?
    • Compact: looks like there are no holes (but the osteons run throughout (haversion system) it's the functioning unit
    • Spongy: interconnecting lattice structures (spicules) yellow (fat) red (blood) marrow.
  3. Whats the difference between osteoblasts and osteoclasts?
    • Blasts: build bones
    • Clasts: destroy bone
  4. What are the two ways bones are formed?
    • Endochondrial ossification
    • Intramembranous ossification
  5. Define ossification
    bone formation
  6. What does endochondrial ossification do?
    existing cartilage---->make bones
  7. What does intramembranous ossification do?
    mesenchymal(undifferentiated embryonic stuff)----->makes bone
  8. Whats the axial skeleton?
    main frame...skull, back, ribs
  9. What connects bone to bone?
  10. what connects muscle to bone?
  11. What do tendons connect?
  12. what do ligaments connect?
  13. list the order in the muscles
    • 1. muscles
    • 2. muscle fibers
    • 3. myofibrils
    • 4. sarcomere
  14. Whats the myofibrils covered in?
    sarcoplasmic reticulum
  15. What's the muscle cytoplasm called?
  16. what's the muscle membrane called? What does it do?
    • sarcolemma
    • it makes action potential by the Tranverse Tubules (t system(
  17. What are the two types of myofilaments?
    • actin
    • myosin
  18. Whats the thin filament?
  19. Whats the thick filament
  20. What zones on the muscle contracts?
  21. What zones on the muscle don't get smaller?
    A (aye aye mateys)
  22. What's the z line?
    it anchors the thin filaments
  23. Whats teh A zone?
    the length of the thick filaments
  24. Describe contraction....6 steps
    • action potential comes
    • sarcolemma
    • T system
    • Interior cell
    • Release of Ca+
    • contracts
  25. What is Tonus?
    partial contraction
  26. What's the latent period?
    time between stimulation and contraction.
  27. What type of muscle has one centrally located nucleus?
    smooth muscle (autonomic NS)
  28. What is myoglobin?
    • like hemoglobin...(but it's a protein in muscles)
    • it grabs oxygen for the muscle.
  29. What types of energy does the muscles rely on?
    • ATP
    • Creatine Phosphate/Arginine phosphate
    • Myoglobin
Card Set
Loren bio 9
Loren bio 9 (muscles)