flashcards for section 1.txt

  1. What is a DIARTHROTIC joint?
    Any of several types of bone articulation permitting free motion in a joint. (such as that of the shoulder or hip)
  2. What is a AMPHIARTHROSIS joint?
    a joint in which the surfaces are connected by disks of fibrocartilage. (such as between vertebrae)
  3. What is a GINGLYMUS joint?
    same as a hinge joint
  4. What is a CONDYLOIDAL joint?
    (ball and socket)
  5. What is an Enarthrodial joint?
    (ball and socket joint)
  6. What is a TROCHOIDAL joint?
    section of a cylinder of one bone fits into a corresponding cavity on the other, as in the proximal articulation between the radius and ulna. same as a pivot joint, rotary joint.(pivot)
  7. What is a ARTHRODIAL joint?
    a synovial joint in which the opposing surfaces are nearly planes and in which there is only slight gliding motion. plane joint.(gliding)
  8. What is a ATLANTOAXIAL joint?
    pivot joint (such as the vertebrae)
  9. What is a SELLAR joint?
    same as a saddle joint
  10. What is a UNIAXIAL joint?
    contains one axis of rotation, one plane.
  11. What is a BIAXIAL joint?
    Contains two axes of rotation, two planes.
    Contains three axes or rotation, three planes.
  13. What is a NONAXIAL joint?
    Does not occur about an axis, instead involves gliding movements.
  14. What is a GOMPHOSIS joint?
    An immovable articulation in which a hard part is received into a bone cavity. (As the teeth into the jaw, tooth socket)
  15. What is a SUTURE joint?
    The line of junction or an immovable joint between two bones, especially of the skull.
  16. What is a SYNCHONDROSIS joint?
    A rigid union between two bones formed either by hyaline cartilage or by fibrocartilage. (such as sostochondral joints)
  17. What is a SYMPHYSIS joint?
    A form of cartilaginous joint in which union between two bones is effected by fibrocartilage without a synovial membrane.(such as symphysis pubis)
  18. What is the ATLANTOOCIPITAL joint?
    one of a pair of condyloid joints formed by the articulation of the atlas of the vertebral column with the occipital bone of the skull. It includes two articular capsules, two membranes, and two lateral ligaments. The atlantooccipital joint permits nodding and lateral movements of the head.
  19. What is the FASICULUS?
    Bundle of muscle fibers.
  20. What is a SARCOLEMMA?
    cell membrane of a muscle cell.
  21. What is the carrying angle of the elbow for men & women?
    When arms are held out at the sides and your palms are facing forward, the angle formed by the long axis of the humerus and ulna. Men: 5-10 degrees, Women: 10-15 degrees.
  22. What is the name of the 1st CERVICAL VERTEBRA?
  23. How many rib are considered TRUE RIBS?
    first 7 ribs
  24. which ribs are considered FALSE RIBS?
    Last 5 ribs
  25. Which are the FLOATING RIBS?
    last 2 posterior ribs, they are attached to the vertebrae only, and not to the sternum or cartilage coming off the sternum
  26. How many RIBS do we have?
    12 pairs
  27. What is an increase anterior CURVATURE of LUMBAR SPINE?
  28. What is an increase posterior CURVATURE OF THE THORACIC SPINE?
  29. What is the CORONAL PLANE?
    Same as the frontal plane, just a different name.
  30. The SACROSPINALIS muscle group is also known as what?
    Erector Spinae
  31. Where do the COSTAL FACETS ARTICULATE with the ribs?
    Thoracic vertebrae
    the relationship between the femoral head and the femoral shaft.
  34. What structures make up the FEMORAL TRIANGLE?
    Inguinal Ligament, Adductor longus muscle, Sartorius muscle
  35. supination is a triplaner movement.
    cool penny
  36. During the SCREW HOME MECHANISM, which direction does the knee rotate in the last few degrees?
    External rotation.
  37. How many degrees is knee external rotation?
    20 degrees
  38. Where is GERDY'S TUBERCLE and what inserts into it?
    lateral knee and Iliotibal Band inserts into it.
  39. Which muscles are in the TRICEPS SURAE muscle group?
    Gastrocnemius & Soleus
  40. What are the PERONEAL MUSCLES?
    Peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, peroneus tertius
  41. Where is the origin & insertions of the PERONEAL MUSCLES?
    origin is fibular head, insertion is on tarsals and metasarsals
  42. The SUBTALAR joint does what movements?
    Inversion & Eversion
  43. The TALOCRURAL joint does what movements?
    Dorsiflexion & Plantarflexion
  44. Which muscle play the most important role in moving the knee through the last 15 degrees of extension?
    Vastus medialis oblique
  45. What term identifies a reflex that involves the skeletal muscles?
    Autonomic Reflex.
Card Set
flashcards for section 1.txt
section 1