HRE 3723 Midterm cars pt1

  1. Leadership
    the ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals 
  2. Partnership
    a relationship between leaders and group members in which power is approximately balanced 
  3. Distribution theory
  4. Substitutes for leadership
    factors in the work enviroment that provide guidance and incentives to perform, making the leaader's role almost superfluous. 
  5. Leadership effectiveness
    attaiing desirable outcoms such as productivilty, quality, and satisfaction in a given situation 
  6. Trust
  7. Authenticity
    Being genuine and honest about your personality values, and beliefs, as well as having integrity
  8. Assertiveness
    Forthrightness in expressing demands, opinions, felings and attitudes as a cultural value, the degree to which individuals are (and should be) assertive, confrontational and aggressive in their relationships with one another
  9. Emotional intelligence
    The ability to do such things as understand one's feelings have empathy for others, and regulate one's emotions to enhance one's quality of life
  10. Flexibility
    the ability to adjust to differnt situations 
  11. Internal locus of control
    the belief that one is the primary cause of events happening to oneself
  12. Drive
    A propensity to put forth high endergy into achieving goals and persistence in applying that energy 
  13. Achievement Motivation
    finding joy in accomplishment for its own sake
  14. Cognitive factors
    Problem-solving and intellectual skills 
  15. Insight
    a dept of understanding that requires considerable intution and common sense 
  16. Executive intelligence
    superior reasoning and problem-solving skills that enable to executive to cut through conflicting data to create a solution that uniquely fits the situaion at hand
  17. Farsightedness
    the ability to understand the long range implications of actions and polices
  18. WICS
    a systems model of leadership that provides an undestanding of leadership as a set of decision processes that mbodies wisdom, intelligence, and creativity as well as other cognitive processes
  19. Charisma
    a special quality of leader whose puposs, powers, and extraordinary determination differentiate them from others
  20. Referent power
    the leader's ability to inflence others through his oru her desirable traits and characteristcs 
  21. Expert power
    the ability to influence others because of one's specalized knowledge, skills or abilities 
  22. Job involvement
    the experience of being excited about work
  23. Socialized charismatic
    a charismatic leader who restrains the use of power in order to benefit others
  24. Personalized charismatic
    A charismatic leader who exercises few restraints on the use of power in order to est serve his or her own interests 
  25. Transformational leader
    a leader who brings about positive major changes in a organization 
  26. Vision
    the ability to imagine differnt and better conditions and ways to achieve them 
  27. Management by storytelling
    The technique of inspring and instructing group members by telling fascinating stories 
  28. personal brand
    also the brand called you or your basket of strengths that make you unique
  29. Leadership polarity
    the disparity in views of leaders: They are revered or vastly unpopular but people rarely feel neutral about them
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HRE 3723 Midterm cars pt1
Terms from chap 1-3