Vocab Chp 7

  1. ámor, amōris (m)

    (amorous, enamored; cf. amō, amīcus)
  2. cármen, cárminis (n)
    song, poem

  3. cīvitās, cīvitātis (f)
    state, citizenship

  4. córpus, córporis (n)

    (corps, corpse, corpuscle, corpulent, corporal, corporeal, corporate, corporation, incorporate, corsage, corset)
  5. hómō, hóminis (m)
    human being, man

    (homicide, homage; homo sapiens, but not the prefix homo-; cf. hūmānus and vir)
  6. lábor, labōris (m) 
    labor, work, toil; a work, production

    (laboratory, belabor, laborious, collaborate, elaborate)
  7. líttera, lítterae (f)
     a letter of the alphabet;

    lítterae, litterārum, pl., a letter, literature

    (literal, letters, belles-lettres, illiterate, alliteration)
  8. mōs, mōris (m)
     habit, custom, manner;

    mōrēs, mōrum, pl., habits, morals, character

    (mores, moral, immoral, immorality, morale, morose)
  9. nōmen, nōminis (n) 

    (nomenclature, nominate, nominative, nominal, noun, pronoun, renown, denomination, ignominy, misnomer)
  10. pāx, pācis (f)

    (pacify, pacific, pacifist, appease, pay)
  11. rēgīna, regīnae f

    (Regina, regina, reginal)
  12. rēx, rēgis (m)

    (regal, regalia, regicide, royal; cf. rajah)
  13. témpus, témporis (n) 
    time; occasion, opportunity

    (tempo, temporary, contemporary, temporal, temporize, extempore, tense [of a verb])
  14. térra, térrae (f)
    earth, ground, land, country

    (terrestrial, terrace, terrier, territory, inter [verb], parterre, subterranean, terra cotta)
  15. úxor, uxōris (f) 

    (uxorial, uxorious, uxoricide)
  16. vírgō, vírginis (f) 
    maiden, virgin

    (virgin, virginal, virginity, Virginia)
  17. vírtūs, virtūtis (f) 
    manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue

    (virtuoso, virtuosity, virtual; cf. vir)
  18. nóvus, nóva, nóvum
     new; strange

    (novel, novelty, novice, innovate)
  19. post 
    prep. + acc., after, behind

    (posterity, posterior, posthumous, post mortem, P.M. = post meridiem, preposterous, post-as a prefix, postgraduate, postlude, postpositive, postwar, etc.)
  20. sub (prep)
    + abl or acc., under, up under, close to; down to/into, to/at the foot of

    (sub- or, by ASSIMILATION, suc-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sus-, in countless compounds: subterranean, suburb, succeed, suffix, suggest, support, sustain)
  21. aúdeō, audēre, aúsus sum 
    to dare

    (audacious, audacity)

    (the unusual third principal part of this SEMI-DEPONENT verb is explained in Capvt XXXIV),
  22. nécō, necāre, necāvī, necātum 
    to murder, kill

    (internecine; cf. nocēre, to harm)
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Vocab Chp 7
Wheelock Latin chapter 7 vocabulary third declension