The Golden Dozen II

  1. Obstinate, Intractable, Recalcitrant, Obdurate, Intransigent
    very stubborn, unyielding, totally rigid
  2. Diatribe, Tirade, Harangue
    to strongly denounce, a sharp verbal put-down
  3. Scrutinize
    to carefully examine
  4. Rancorous
    bitterness, resentment, ill will
  5. Suffuse
    to be covered with, as to be suffused with light
  6. Servile, Fawning, Obsequious
    to act in an overly submissive manner, to be a toady
  7. Egregious
    outstandingly bad
  8. Revere, Venerate
    to show great honor, reverence
  9. Flippant, Impertinent, Irreverent
    lack of respect or seriousness
  10. Venal
    dishonest, corrupt
  11. Anachronism
    an error in chronolgy, a chronological misplacement of persons, events or objects
  12. Demystify
    to make less baffling, less confusing
Card Set
The Golden Dozen II
SAT Vocab- Week 2