Herbs Patent 1.txt

  1. An mian pian
    Calm sleep pills Tonifies LR&HT for sleep; aids digestion and clears heat
  2. An shen bu xin wan
    Calm shen tonify heart pill Tonifies yin and blood and anchors shen; rising yang harassing HT (some say helps LR too)
  3. Ba zhen wan
    Eight treasure pills Combines si jun zi wan and si wu tang ti tonify qi and blood
  4. Ba zheng wan
    Eight righteous ingredients pills D-H in UB; heat lin, stone lin
  5. Bao he wan
    Preserve harmony pills Emphasis on hx for food yu; not tonifying; use for acute or chronic food yu, etc. very common
  6. Bi yan pian
    Nasal inflammation pills Nasal congestion, acute: ext. exc w-h
  7. Bu nao wan
    Tonify brain pills Tonifies yin&yang for marrow; good for elderly; helps recover from stroke or trauma; improves mental function
  8. Bu zhong yi qi wan
    Tonify center increase qi pills Bu qi, lifts prolapse, clears qi xu fever, tx general weakness
  9. Chuan bei pi pa lu
    Fritillaria & eriobotrya loquat syrup Cough with phlegm (slightly cooling; moistens LU, xf phlegm & stops cough
  10. Chuan xin lian kang yan wan
    Andrographitis fight inflammation pills UJ or LJ heat (DH or toxic heat)
  11. Da bu yin wan
    Great tonify Yin pill KD yin xu with empty fire (clear xu heat; anchors floating yang; branch and root)
  12. Dao chi san wan
    Guide away the red powder pills HT fire transferring to SI causing UTI, also ST fire
  13. Du huo ji sheng wan
    Angelica and loranthus pill WCD Bi syndrome with KD yin xu
  14. Er chen wan
    Two aged herbs pills Chronic cough from SP xu (also SP xu indigestion)
  15. Er xian tang wan
    Two immortal decoction pills Focus is on tonifying yang plus clearing xu heat
  16. Gan mai da zao wan
    Glycyrrhiza, triticum, jujube pills Gentle nourishing for taxation causing insomnia, restlessness, etc.
  17. Ge xia zhu yu wan
    Drive out stasis below the diaphragm pills Lr Qi and Blood yu
  18. Gui pi wan
    Restore Spleen pill Tonifies qi and blood of SP and HT; calms shen; good for insomnia with worrying; also good to stop bleeding
  19. Hua zhi ling
    Fargelin Clears heat and moves blood and heals tissues to treat hemorrhoids, fissures etc.
  20. Huang lian jie du wan
    Coptis relieve toxin pills Heat in all 3 burners
  21. Huang lian shang qing pian
    Coptis upper clearing pills Focus in head for throat, mouth, eyes, etc. (St fire)
  22. Huo xiang zheng qi wan
    Agastache correct the qi pills Clears summerheat & W-D-C
  23. Jia wei xiao yao wan
    Added ingredient free & relaxed pills Lr Qi yu with Sp and xue xu with heat
  24. Jiang ya pian
    Lower pressure pills Lowers HTN from Lr heat (exc. or xu); more acute phase
  25. Jiao ai wan
    Gelatin and Artemisia pills Calms fetus for threatened miscarriage from xu and cold in uterus; helps control bleeding
  26. Jiao gu lan
    Gynostemma pills Improves immunity, protects HT; general qi, yang, blood tonic; reg blood sugar; also neuroprotective for Parkinson's
  27. Jie jie wan
    Resolve swelling pills Chronic prostate enlargement with SP/KD xu
  28. Jin gui shen qi wan
    Golden cabinet KD qi pills KD qi for urinary problems, low back weakness, etc; basically liu wei di plus rou gui & fu zi
  29. Jin suo gu jing wan
    Golden lock restrain jing pills Tonifies KD, astringes to stop spermatorrhea
  30. Kang ning wan
    Curing pills Emphasis on D and moving qi. Mostly for acute problems
  31. Li dan pian
    Benefit GB pills Clears D-H, shrinks gall stones, helps move qi for pain and expelling stones
  32. Ling zhi
    Ganoderma pills Reishi
  33. Liu jun zi wan
    Six gentlemen pills Stronger for dampness yu in MJ
  34. Long dan xie gaan wan
    Gentiana drain liver pills D-H in Lr and or GB; can be organ or channel; exc only; promotes urination to drain fire and dampness
  35. Luo bu ma jiang ya wan
    Apocynum lower pressure pills Drains dampness and clears heat for HTN; also lowers cholesterol
  36. Mai wei di huang wan
    Ophiopogonm schisandra & rhemannia pills=8 immortals long life pills LU/KD yin xu; 3 to nourish, 3 to drain, plus 2 for the LU; stabilizes and binds Lu qi and yin
  37. Mao dong qing jiao nang
    Ilex mao dong qing capsules Blood stasis; single herb. Strongly opens vessels
  38. Ming mu di huang wan
    Bright eyes rhemannia pills Nourishes yin and blood to benefit eyes; contains qi ju di huang wan
  39. Qi ju di huang wan
    Lycium, chrysanthemum, rhemannia pills Nourishes yin to benefit eyes
  40. Qi ye lian zhi tong pian
    Schefflera relieve pain pills Joint pain, RA, trauma; also nerve pains (sciatica, neuralgia, etc.) analgesic
  41. Qing fei yi huo pian
    Clear lungs and restrain fire pills Phlegm fire in Lu; purges heat in the stools as well as the urine
  42. Qing qi hua tan wan
    Clear qi and transform phlegm pills Phlegm-heat in Lu; acute or chronic
  43. Sang ju pian
    Morus and chrysanthemum pills w-h with cough
  44. Sang piao xiao wan
    Mantidis powder pills Astringes and Tonifies for urinary incontinence with HT&KD qi xu
  45. Shao fu zhu yu wan
    Lower abdomen drive out stasis teapills Strongly moves blood and warms uterus for pain
  46. Shen ling bai zhu wan
    Ginseng, poria, atractylodes pills Mild qi tonic; focus on chronic loose stools or Sp/Lu xu cough; mild enough for pediatric and pregnancy
  47. Shen tong zhu yu wan
    Body pain drive out stasis decoction Moves qi and blood; painful joints and limbs; chronic deep pain, numbness etc. stronger than feng shi xiao tong wan for moving blood
  48. Sheng mai san
    Raise the pulse powder Tonifies qi and yin, esp. Lu; also yin collapse
  49. Shi quan da bu wan
    10 inclusive great tonifying pills Ba zhen wan plus huang qi and rou gui
  50. Shu gan wan
    Dredge liver pills Like chai hu shu gan wan, but still stronger for moving qi and dampness
  51. Suan zao ren tang pian
    Zizyphus teapills Tonifies Lr and Ht for sleep
  52. Tao hong si wu tang wan
    Persica and carthamus four substance teapills Si wu wan to nourish blood plus tao ren & hong hua to move blood stasis
  53. Tian wang bu xin wan
    Heavenly emperor tonify heart pills Tonifies Ht and Kd yin for insomnia; clears xu heat
  54. Wen dan tang wan
    Warm gallbladder teapills Harmonizes Gb for physical and psych s&s; not very warming
  55. Wu ji bai feng wan
    Black chicken, white phoenix teapills Warms and nourishes; Tonifies blood, qi and jing
  56. Wu ling san wan
    Five with poria powder pills Taiyang fu with water retention; water accumulation with Sp qi xu
  57. Wu pi yin wan
    Five peel teapills Diuretic formula to drain damp and edema
  58. Xiang lian wan
    Auckulandia and coptis pills Diarrhea with cramping
  59. Xiao feng san wan
    Disperse wind powder pills 4 groups of herbs to treat skin itching from WDH
  60. Xiao jian zhong wan
    Minor strengthen the center pills Excellent formula for harmonizing and warming MJ; many applications
  61. Xiao yao wan
    Free and relaxed pills Lr qi yu with Sp & xue xu
  62. Xin yi wan
    Magnolia pills Nasal congestion, cold type (watery, etc.)
  63. Xue fu zhu yu wan
    Blood mansion drive out stasis teapills Blood stasis in chest; also good for yu in epigastrium ("xin")
  64. Yi guan jian
    Single linking pill Lr yin xu causing Lr qi yu
  65. Yin qiao jie du pian
    Lonicera & forsythia resolve toxin pills W-H with sore throat
  66. You gui wan
    Right return pills Kd yang and jing (also blood)
  67. Yu ping feng san
    Jade windscreen Consolidates exterior and releases wind
  68. Yu quan wan
    Jade spring pills Generates fluids and nourishes yin to treat diabetes
  69. Zhen wu tang wan
    True warrior teapills Warms kd yang to treat edema water retention; not as strongly diuretic
  70. Zhen zhu an chuang pian
    Pearl acne pills (margarita acne pills) Ance, rashes, hives from blood heat; softens hardness
  71. Zhi bai di huang wan
    Anemarrhena and phellodendron eight flavor pills Lr/Kd yin xu plus two herbs to clear more xu heat
  72. Zhi gan cao tang wan
    Honey-fried licorice teapills Tonifies Ht qi and blood; warms Ht yang to treat arrhythmias, etc.
  73. Zuo gui wan
    Left return pills Tonifies yin and jing
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Herbs Patent 1.txt
Patent Herbs 1