Etymology chapter 2 section 3

  1. abhorrent (adj.)
    followed into conflict; utterly opposed; loahtsome; repugnant; odious; abominable
  2. admonish (v.)
    reprove gently but seriously; warn of a fault; caution
  3. ambrosial (adj.)
    extremly pleasing to taste or smell; delicious; like ambrosia ( the food of the gods); heavenly
  4. confine (v.)
    shut up; imprison; keep in narrow, cramped quarters
  5. detonate (v.)
    explode with suddenness and violence; cause (something) to explode
  6. ephemeral (adj.)
    lasting one day only; fleeting; transitory; short-lived; transient
  7. haggle (v.)
    dispute or argue over a price in a petty war; bargain; wrangle
  8. immerse (v.)
    • 1. plunge or place into a liquid; dip; duck
    • 2. engross; absorb
  9. insomnia (n.)
    inability to sleep; abnormal wakefulness; sleeplessness
  10. lapse (n.)
    • 1. slip; error; accidental mistake; trivial fault
    • 2. interval
  11. probe (n.)
    critical inquiry into suspected illegal activity; envestigation
  12. render ( v.)
    hand down officially; deliver (as a verdict); give
  13. repast (n.)
    food for one occasion of eating; meal
  14. snub (n.)
    act or instance of snubbing (treating with contempt); rebuff; slight; insult
  15. suture (n.)
    strand or fiber used to sew parts of the living body; also, stitch made with such material
  16. unwittingly (adv.)
    unintentionally; by accident; inadvertently; unknowingly
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Etymology chapter 2 section 3
ch2 section 3