ch 5 managment

  1. Define learning styles.
    Learning styles could be further defined as unique qualities that affect the student's ability to acquire information, to interact with teachers and classmates and, in general, participate in learning opportunities. The concept of learning styles is further complicated bythe acknowledgement that a student's learning style may change,depending on the structure of the class, the learning material, the teacher, or the student's previous exposure to different types of learning situations (and his or her ability to integrate different styles).
  2. Describe several learning styles.
    • Auditory learner
    • This type of learner:

    • Does well in a lecture situation. Is able to verbally explain answers, but has difficulty on paper. Oftentimes talks out loud when reading/working individually. Is easily bored or restless when working silently in class.
    • Visual learner.
    • This type of learner:Feels more competent writing down directions and assignments.Finds a supplemental text and handouts to be preferential with lectures.Must have visual clearance of chalkboard in the classroom.Prefers visual representation of information.
    • tactile kinstetic
    • This type of learner:
    • Has difficulty concentrating on lectures. Prefers hands-on activities. Benefits from the use of manipulative. Finds class projects preferable. Unorganized.
    • Global (field dependent) learner
    • This type of learner:
    • Prefers to view the entire concept "put together" from beginning to end.(i.e., needs to see completed diorama, and hear the requirements of theproject in its entirety.Step-by-step procedures are secondary.)

    • Analytic (field independent) learner
    • This type of learner:
    • Prefers to have the sequential steps to the
    • procedure, so that they can put them together independently and then seethe project in its entirety (i.e., wants the step by step directions for successful completion of the diorama, so that the final project can be completed independently.)

    • Introverted (individual) learner
    • This type of learner:
    • Prefers to work alone rather than in a group situation.
    • Extroverted (cooperative) learner
    • This type of learner:
    • Enjoys working with others
    • Musical learner
    • Natural learner
    • Mathematics (logical) learner
    • Linguistic learner
  3. Explain Jones' "Say, See and Do Cycle."
  4. How does Jones "package a lesson?"
  5. Describe activities you could implement that would address several learning styles.Summarize activities that would accommodate specific learning styles.
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ch 5 managment
classroom management less 5 study guide