PPE- Chapter 4

  1. Neurotic belief that one is better than others

    Feeling one’s own ideas are better than anyone else’s
    Superiority complex
  2. Stagnation of growth in which difficulties seem too immense to overcome
    Feeling one never will be strong or intelligent enough
    Inferiority complex
  3. person’s image of the goal of his or her striving.
    fictional finalism
  4. each person is the artist of his own personality
    creative self
  5. inherent motivation toward personal growth.
    perfection striving
  6. striving to achieve personal best
    superiority striving
  7. seeking the privilege associated with the male gender role
    masculine protest
  8. experienced as fighting or competition for dominance
    Aggressive drive
  9. compensation for weakness leads to strength
    organ inferiority
  10. a person's consistent way of striving
    style of life
  11. which types seek to dominate others?
    Ruling types
  12. unhealthy way of seeking superiority by belittling others.
    depreciation complex
  13. a personality that is well adjusted
    socially useful type
  14. parental behavior in which a child is overindulged or spoiled
  15. parental bx in whihc a child's needs are not adequately met
  16. the configuration of family members, including the # and birth order of siblings
    family constellation
  17. this child begins life w/ full attention of the parents, & child is often pampered or spoiled.
    first child
  18. this child seeings the head start of the older sibling may feel envious, experiencing a dominant note of being slighted, neglected
    middle child
  19. this child oftten becomes a problem child.

    poses risk of being pampered and lacking the incentive to develop independence.
    youngest child
  20. this child is likely to be pampered and overly attached to the mother who is often overprotective, so the child develops a "mother complex"
    only child
  21. Innate potential to live cooperately with other people
    social interest
  22. three fundamental tasks of life:
    • work
    • love
    • social interaction
  23. refers to sexual relationships and marriage b/t men and women, including the decision to have children
  24. refers to the problems of "communal life" that is social relationships with others, including friendships
    social interaction
  25. offer empathy to client and establish a working relationship
    1. empathy and relationship stage
  26. gather info about proble and client's past history, early memories and current functioning
    2. information stage
  27. clarify cleint's core beliefs about self, others and life
    3. clarification stage
  28. encourage the client for progress
    4. encouragement stage
  29. interpret the client's bx and help client recognize & reconsider his or her fictional goal
    5. interpretation and recognition stage
  30. the client knows more about his or her bx and goals w/o so much therapist interpretation
    6. knowing stage
  31. unhealthy patterns are expressed in emotional breakthroughs and are replaced by new ones
    7. emotional breakthrough stage
  32. client gradually starts to behave differently in life
    8. doing differently stage
  33. client begins paying more attn to other people's needs not only his or her own
    9. reinforcement stage
  34. a feeling of community is strengthened
    10. social interest stage
  35. client finds a new goal to strive toward
    11. goal redirection stage
  36. client is striving twd the new goal in a spirit of social interest
    12. support and launching stage
  37. ____ emphasized conscious striving and the creative self in contrast to ____'s unconscious determinism.
    Adler / Freud
  38. Adler described the fundamental motivation to strive from a ______ to a ______
    felt minus to a felt plus
  39. a person's unique style of life is evidenced by ______
    early memories
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PPE- Chapter 4
PPE Chapter 4