Neuro Terminology II.txt

    • author "LittJenjen1"
    • fileName "Neuro Terminology II"
    • tags "CVA, Pathology, CNS "
    • description "CVS, Neuro Terminology"
    • Characteristics of Anterior cerebral Artery involvement
    • LE involvement
    • Preservation
    • Behavior changes
    • Neglect
  1. Characteristics of Posterior Cerebral Artery involvement
    • Hemiplegic side
    • Pain & Temeperature
    • Ataxia
    • Memory impairment
  2. Characteristics of Veterbral cerebral artery involvement
    • Syncope
    • Sudden loss of unconscious
    • Lack ability to speak
    • Nystagmus
    • Vertigo
  3. Characteristics of Middle cerebral involvement artery
    • Most common in CVAs
    • Flat affect and face involvement
    • Impaired spatial relationship
    • Impaired body awareness
  4. What is the protocol when someone collapse due to Syncope
    Have them in supine and elevate their feet. Check vital signs
  5. Syncope is . .
    Sudden loss of blood supply to the brain that leads to sudden loss of conscious . .
  6. Vasovagal is. . .
    Automatic nervous system response reflex to pain

    A noticeable response when patient feels weak, nausea, pain , dizzy when the body can't take it no more.
  7. What is the the theroy that Brunnstrom's belived in . . .
    This principle was approached by initiating the use of synergy patterns during rehab.
  8. Stage 1 of recovery is characterizerd by . . .
    No volitional movement
  9. Stage 2 of recovery is charaterized by . . . .
    beginning of spasticity, limb being influenced by synergy
  10. Stage 3 of recovery is characterized by . . . 
    • Spasticity increases with full synergy patterns.
    • The limb is in full synergy voluntarily.
  11. Stage 4 of recovery is characterized by . . .
    Spasticity decreases and the limb is decreasing out of synergy. No longer facilitates synergy. 
  12. Stage 5 of recovery is characterized by . . .
    Spasticity furthers decreases with some isolated muscles
  13. Stage 6 or recovery is characterized by..  .
    Isolated muscle with motor coordination
  14. Stage 7 of recovery is. . . .
    Normal motor function is restored.
  15. Described Homolateral limb synkinesis
    a flexion pattern of the involved upper extremity facilitates flexion of the involved lower extremity

    • Whatever you resist on one side in LE will have same response in the same side UE.
    • give an example. ..
  16. Ramistes Phenomenon
    The involved LE will abduct and adduct with applied resistance to the uninvolved LE in the same direction
  17. Associated Reactions. . .
    When applying resistance on the contralateral side, there's an overflow to the involved side.

    • UE resistance response will be the SAME on other side
    • LE (excpet add/abd) resistance response will be OPPOSITE on the other side.
  18. Souques Phenomenon 
    Raising the involved UE above 100 degrees with elbow extension will produce extension and abduction of the fingers.
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Neuro Terminology II.txt
Neuro Terminology II, PTA/ PT.