Neurological terminology .txt

  1. Define Chorea
    Irregular contraction that are rapid and brief sudden movements & involuntary
  2. Defined Dystonia
    Sustained muscle contraction that are frequently cause twisting, abnormal posture, and repetitive movements.
  3. Athetosis
    • Slow, writhing movements of the fingers and toes but can be seen on the face, tounge, trunk, extremities.
    • Involuntary movements and trunk stability.
  4. Define Akinesia
    Inability to initiate movements
  5. Asthenia
    Generalize weakness
  6. Dysarthria
    Difficulty to articulate of the tounge
  7. Apraxia
    Inability motor planning
  8. Dysphasia
    Difficulty swallowing
  9. Agnosia
    Inability to recognize people
  10. Aphasia
    Inability to be expressive
  11. Bradykines
    Slow movements
  12. Babinski
    A reflex of the big toe planter flex and the rest swing down
  13. Dysdiadochokinesia
    Difficulty alternating rapid movements.
  14. Preservation
    Repetitive unmeaningful word.
  15. Rigidity
    State of severe hypertonicity where sustain muscle contractions not able to move a limb.
  16. Decerebrate rigidity
    Cortocospinal lesion at brainstem resultant extension of the trunk and all extremities
  17. Decorticate rigidity
    Cortocospinal lesion at the.dincephalon resulting the trunk and LE in extension and UE in flexion
  18. Diplopia
    Double vision.
  19. Synergy
    • Movements that may be present or elicited in patients with neurological insult
    • Abnormal pattern that don't present isolated muscles.
  20. Tinetti Assessment
    Combination of gait and balance
  21. Define Stereogenosis test
    Identify any common object with the eyes closed
  22. Define graphesthesia sensory test
    Draw any two digit number or capital letter on the hands with their eyes closed.
  23. Define Bargonosis sensory test
    Identify any two object's weights eyes closed
  24. What are the characteristics of Left Hemisphere. . .
    Weakness, Paralysis, of the right side

    Increase frustration

    decrease processing

    possible aphasia

    possible dysphagia

    Decreased discrimination left or right

    Right hemianopsia
  25. What are the characteristic of right hemisphere. . .
    Weakness, paralysis of the left side

    Decrease attention span

    Left hemianopsia

    Decrease awareness and judgement

    Memory deficits

    Left inattention

    Decrease abstract reasoning

    Emotional liability

    Impulsive behavior

    Decrease spatial orientation
  26. What is a completed stroke
    A CVA that presents with a total neurological deficit at the onset
  27. What is a stroke in Evolution . . .
    A CVA usually caused by a thombus that graduAlly progressed. Total.neurological deficits are not seen.for one or two.days after onset.
  28. What are the two types of Ischemic strokes

  29. Embolus stroke is . . .
    Can be solid, liquid , or gas that travels through the blood stream to the arteries causing a collusion of a blood vessel and a resultant infant.
  30. Thrombus stroke is ...
    • A plaque develops in an artery and eventually becomes a clot.
    • This type of CVA is extremely variable in onset where symptoms can appear in a min or days after the onset.
    • Usually occurs during sleep or waking up from an MI or surgery.
  31.  Proprioception in a sensory test is . . .
    Ability of Identifying a static position
  32. Kinesthesia sensory test is. . .
    Identifying direction and the actual movement in space
  33. Two point discrimintation in a sensory test is . . . .
    identifying two points when felt on the skin without sight.
  34. Sensory test for Trigiminal nerve
    Sharp and dull on the face
  35. Deep pain sensory test is described by . . . 
    squeezing the calf or forearm or triceps area
  36. Sensory test for Trochlear nerve. . .
    Following an object downward.
  37. Sensory test for Facial . . .
    • Sweet and sour of the face. . .
    • ability todo facial expression.
  38. Sensory Test Vestibularcochlear nerve. . .
    Ticking sound next to the ear. .

    Postivtive when can't hear 18-24 inches away
  39. Sensory Test for Optic Nerve
    • Field of vision,
    • pt covers one eye and look at the center. Ask them if they see your finger in their visual field.
  40. Sensory test for Oculomotor nerve
    following an object vertical,  horizontally, and diagonally  
  41. Sensory test for Olfactory .. .
    a common smell underneath the nose with a cotton ball
  42. Sensory test for Abducens
    abduct the eyes. .
  43. Sensory test for Glossopharyngeal nerve . . 
    ability to gag when applying a tong depressor
  44. Sensory test for Vagus nerve . .  .
    ability to gag when applying a tong depressor
  45. Sensory test for Accessory Nerve
    MMT on the shoulders.
  46. Sensory test for Hypoglossal nerve. . .
    Protrude the tongue in a symmetrical fashion
  47. Define Spasticity
    • Abnormal velocity dependent muscle tone.
    • Faster & Lengthen the limb, the more resistance is felt in the muscle.
  48. Define Ataxia
    uncoordinated gait
Card Set
Neurological terminology .txt
Neuro Terminology II, PTA/ PT.