
  1. What is a concurrent power?
    One that is shared between states and the national government like taxation.
  2. What was the name of the United States first constitution?
    The articles of confederation
  3. Which branch can veto a bill?
  4. Which branch declares laws unconstitutional?
  5. Which body serves as the jury to the judge as an impeached official?
    The senate
  6. Which right is protected in the second amendment?
    Right to bear arms
  7. What is the purpose of due process rights?
    Prevent abuse of innocent people by the government
  8. What do police need in order to search a home?
    an occupant's permission or search a search warrant
  9. The exclusionary rule says that evidence wich was obtained illegally cannot be used in court.  On what right is this rule based
    4th amendment protection against unreasonable searches.
  10. From what does does the fourth amendment protect people
    Unreasonable search and seizure
  11. Which body impeaches the president or other officials?
    The house of representative
  12. What are checks and balances?
    The ability of each branach of government to black the others
  13. How does a president approve of a bill that has been passed by congress
    He/She signs it
  14. How does the president disapprove of a bill that has benn passed by congress
    He/She vetoes the bill
  15. What are the five protections in the first amendment?
    Religion, speech, press, assembly petition
  16. What or what does the bill of nights protect us from
    The government
  17. What are the first ten amendments called
    The bill of rights
  18. Why did the articles of confederation not survive more than 6 years?
    The central government that it created had very little power to control, order, & keep the country organized.
  19. What is a republic?
    government in which the people rule through representatives they elect.
  20. What is delegated power?
    a power that the constitution gives to congress
  21. How can the constitution be changes?
    2/3 of each house must vote for the change then 3/4 of the states myst ratify it.
  22. How is the constitution flexible?
    • 1.) Can be amended by a vote of congress and the states
    • 2.) It's words are broad & general
    • 3.) Can be interpreted differently by judges of different eras
  23. Who was the father of the constitution?
    James madison; he came up with the vigirnia of the 3 branches
  24. Where do the government get their power according to the declaration of independence?
    The governed; people who live under the government
  25. Which branch confirms the nomination of judges
    The senate of the legislative
  26. Which branch inpeaches judges
    • Legislative
    • House: impeaches
    • Sentate: in the jury
  27. Which branch nominates judges
  28. which branch can overide a veto
  29. The 13th, 14th, & 15th amendments were enacted after the civil war.  What was their pupose?
    to end slavery and protect the rights of ex slaves
  30. What amendment prevents excessive bail or cruel and usual punishment
  31. What amendment requires speedy and public trials
  32. In What case did the supremem court say that schools can search students' possessions including purses, if the school has a reasonable suspicion and needs to conduch the seach to maintain order
    New Jersey vs. TLD
  33. In what case did the supreme court say that students don't lose their rights at the schoolhouse door?
    Tinker vs. Des Moines
  34. Which part of the first amendment protects people's right to have a public protest
  35. How many braches did the articles of confederation have
    One; a legislative branch
  36. What is the latin name for the requirement that police tell an accused person what crime they are being charged with
    hebeas corpus
  37. The 14th amendment was encacted afer the civil war to protect ex slaves. what is one of its key principles
    Equal protection of the law; everyone gets treated equally by the legal system
  38. Who has the power of the purse; the right to authorize government spending according to the constitution
  39. Who has the power to create taxes according to constitution
  40. What is a confederation
    alliance of small units of governments, like the american states in which the central government has very little power and each state keeps its authority to rule itself
  41. what was the great promise
    agreement at the consitutional convention to have both a house of representatives(larger states had more power) and a senate (every state was equal)
  42. what does the executive branch do
    Enforces and carries out the laws when congress writes a law, they put its policies into effect in real life.
  43. What was the 3/5th compromise
    solution to north-south disagreements about weather the south would get to tcount the slaves as part of their populations when it was being decided how man many representatives each would get in the house
  44. Which amendment protected the right to vote for everyone age 18 or older
  45. The 15th, 19th, & 26th amendments all expanded voting rights ehich groups got the right to vote
    racial minorities, women and young people age 18 and down
  46. Which amendment protected women's right to vote
  47. which amendment ended slavery
  48. how many senators does each state have
  49. how many representative does each state get in the house
    Depends on the population; small states have 1; Illinois has 18
  50. what is the legislative branch role
    makes laws
  51. what are the two houses of congress
    house of representatives and senate
  52. what are the requirements to be able to vote
    • Be 18 years or older
    • Resident of the area where you register and vote
  53. According to the west Virginia vs. Barnett court decision, do jehovah's witness have to pledge allegiance to the flag, even though their religion says that should not
    No because of the first amendment; freedom of religion
  54. who are the u.s senators from Illinois
    Mark Kirk and Dick Durban
  55. What is Illinois's capital city
  56. What is the job tittle fo the chief of the illinois executive branch
    The governor
  57. What are minority rules
    puts limits on majority to keep it form doing tryannical things:Minority protected by bill of rights
  58. What are the 3 branches of government
    Legislative, executive, judicial
  59. what is the purpose of the bill of rights
    to protect the people from mistreatment by the federal government
  60. what is the seperation of powers
    the allocation of some authority to each of three branches of government
  61. what is a democracy
    government in which the people rule directly by making the laws
  62. which is prohibited power
    one that constitution forbids; like granting tiltles of nobility
  63. what is a reserved power
    one that is saved for the states to use

    any power that congress does not have
  64. who has the power to declare according to constitution
  65. who has the power to regulate the interstate according to constitution
  66. how long is representatives term is office
    2 years
  67. what is the senator's term in office
    6 years
  68. Against who was the united states declaring independence
  69. who is the current governor of illinois
    pat quinn
  70. what can people do when gov. stops protecting their rights
    abolish the gov. says the declaration of independence
  71. how are the Illinois state judges choses
    they are elected
  72. How is that method different from selection of U.S judges
    U.S judges are appointed by the president
  73. How are federal judges chosen
    The president appoints them and the senate confirms their appointment
  74. What is the judicial branches funtion
    They interpret the law
  75. How many judges are on the supreme court
  76. Who is checking whom when a person is appointed to be the secretary of state is rejected
    The sentate part of the legislative branch is checking the executive
  77. which branch is the surpreme checking when it declares a law unconstitutional
    Legislative and executive
  78. Which branch confirms treaties that were negotiated by someone else
    • Legislative
    • the senate confirms treaties negotiated by the executive
  79. Why isn't the president elected by the greatest number of people's votes
    The nations founders chose electoral college system instead so each state gets a small number of voters this protected state power and it allowed powerful elites to make the decision today a state's electoral votes almost always go to the candidate who wins the state's popular vote
  80. how does a bill become a law
    • law (bill) is proposed
    • must get a majority vote in each house of congress
    • must be signed by president
    • if president vetos it, it can be overriden by 2/3 vote of each house
  81. What are the miranda rights
    the right to officially be informed of 5th and th amendment protections when one is arrested
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