Psych 1

  1. Which of the following statements are true?

    • B. Encoding occures before storage.
    • E. The Cerebellum is involved in the learning of motor actions.
  2. What changes occure at the synapses when people learn and remember?

    • C. Neural connections are strengthened.
    • C. Neurons make more synaptic connections.
  3. memory
    The nervous system's capacity to acuire and retain skills and knowledge.
  4. encoding
    • The processing of information so that it can be stored.
    • The encoding phase occures at the time of learning.
    • the brain changes information into a neural code that it can use.
    • Brain converts the sensory stimuli to meaningful neural codes.
  5. storage
    • The retention of encoded representations over time.
    • Storage corresponds to some change in the nervous system that registers the encoded stimuli as a memorable event.
    • Storage can last a fraction of a second or as long as a lifetime.
  6. What is the information processing model?
    • The ways that memory works are analogous to the ways computers process information.
    • encoding
    • storage
    • retrieval
  7. retrieval
    The act of recalling or remembering stored information when it is needed.
  8. engram
    • Karl Lashley; term engram refers to the physical site of memory storage
    • the place where membery "lives"
  9. equipotentiality
    Karl Lashley; memory is distributed throughtout the brain rather thant confined to any specific location.
  10. What are the 5 major brain regions associated with memory?
    • prefrontal cortex-working memory
    • temporal lobe-declarative memory
    • amygdala-fear learning
    • hippocampus-spatial memory
    • cerebellum-motor action learning and memory
  11. The hippocampus has the ability to ___ ___ ____.
    store new memories.
  12. The temporal lobes are important for being able to ___ ___ ___ ___.
    say what you remember.
  13. The ________ has the ability to store new memories.
  14. The ____ _____ are important for be able to say what you remember.
    temporal lobes
  15. The cerebellum plays a role in ______________. 
    how motor actions are learned and remembered.
  16. The ________ plays a role in how motor actions are learned and remembered.
  17. The amygdala is especially important for one type of clssical conditioning, __________.
    fear learning.
  18. The ________ is especially important for one type of clssical conditioning, fear learning.
  19. consolidation
    A process by which immediate memories become lasting (or long-term) memories.
  20. The _________ are responsible for coordinating and strengthening the connecions among neurons when something is learned.
    medial temporal lobes
  21. The medial temporal lobes are responsible for _______.
    coordinating and strengthening the connecions among neurons when something is learned.
  22. The ________ are particularly important for the formation of new memories.
    medial temporal lobes
  23. The medial temporal lobes are particularly important for the ________.
    formation of new memories.
  24. reconsolidation
    Neural processes involved when memories are recalled and then stored again for later retrieval.
  25. parrallel processing
    Processing multiple types of information at the same time.
  26. What are "primitive" features?
    color, shape, size, orientation, and movement
  27. Searching for two features is ____ and ____.
    serial and effortful
  28. serial
    you need to look at the stimuli one at a time
  29. effortful
    takes longer and requires more attention
  30. shadowing
    E.C. Cherry: a selective-listening studies to examine what the mid does with unattended information when a person pays attention to one task.
  31. filter theory
    Donald Broadbent: explain the selective nature of attention.  Attention is like a gate that opens for important information and closes for irrelevant information.
  32. change blindness
    A failure to notice large changes in one's environment.
  33. Which statement correctly describes the processes associated with visual attention?

    D. attention has a rapid process that searches for one feature and a slower, serial process that searches for multiple features one at a time.
  34. What happens to information when we are not paying attention?
    Some of the unattended information is passed on for futher processing, but it is weaker that attended information.
  35. sensory memory
    a memory system that very briefly stores sensory information in close to its original sensory form.
Card Set
Psych 1
Chapter 7.1