Fetal Pig

  1. Adductor
    To adduct the hindlimb and to extend the hip
  2. Anterior deep pectoral
    To adduct and retract the forelimb
  3. Biceps brachii
    To flex the elbow
  4. Biceps femoris
    To extend and abduct the hindlimb
  5. Brachialis
    To flex the elbow
  6. Brachiocephalicus
    Extension of the head and neck
  7. Coracobrachialis
    To adduct the forelimb and flex the shoulder
  8. Deltoideus
    To flex the shoulder and abduct the limb
  9. Digital extensors (forelimb)
    To extend the digits and the wrist and to flex the elbow
  10. Digital extensors (hindlimb)
    To extend the digits and to flex the ankle
  11. Digital flexors (hindlimb)
    To flex the digits and extend the ankle
  12. Extensor carpi obliquus
    To extend the wrist
  13. Extensor carpi radialis
    To extend and fix the wrist and to flex the elbow
  14. External oblique
    To compress the abdominal viscera, as in defecation and expiration, and to flex the trunk
  15. Flexor carpi radialis
    To flex the wrist and extend the elbow
  16. Flexor carpi ulnaris
    To flex the wrist and extend the elbow
  17. Gastrocnemius
    To extend the ankle or to flex the knee
  18. Soleus (Achilles Tendon)
    To extend the ankle or to flex the knee
  19. Gluteus medius
    To extend the hip and abduct the limb
  20. Gracilis
    To adduct the hindlimb
  21. Iliacus
    To flex the hip and rotate the thigh outward
  22. Infraspinatus
    To abduct the limb and rotate it outward
  23. Latissimus dorsi
    To draw the humerus upward and backward and to flex the shoulder
  24. Longissimus dorsi
    Extension of the back and neck or lateral flexion of the back
  25. Masseter
    To bring the jaws together
  26. Pectineus
    To adduct the hindlimb and flex the hip
  27. Psoas major
    To flex the hip and rotate the thigh outward
  28. Peroneus longus
    To flex the ankle
  29. Peroneus tertius
    Mechanically to flex the ankle when the knee is flexed
  30. Posterior deep pectoral
    To adduct and retract the limb
  31. Rectus abdominis
    To compress the abdominal viscera, as in defaction and expiration, and to flex the trunk
  32. Rectus femoris
    To extend the knee and flex the hip
  33. Rhomboideus (cephalic part)
    To draw the scapula forward
  34. Rhomboideus (cervical & thoracic parts)
    To draw the scapula upward and forward
  35. Sartorius
    To flex the hip and adduct the limb
  36. Semimembranosus
    To extend the hip and adduct the hindlimb
  37. Semitendionsus
    To extend the hip
  38. Serratus ventralis
    To suspend and raise the thorax
  39. Splenius
    To elevate or incline the head and neck
  40. Sternocephalicus
    To flex or incline the head and neck
  41. Sternothyrohyoideus
    To retract and depress the hyoid bone, the base of the tongue, and the larynx, as in swallowing
  42. Superficial pectoral
    To adduct the forelimb
  43. Supraspinatus
    To extend the shoulder
  44. Tensor fascia lata
    To tense the fascia lata, flex the hip, and extend the knee
  45. Teres major
    To flex the shoulder and adduct the limb
  46. Teres minor
    To flex the shoulder, abduct the forelimb, and assist in outward rotation
  47. Tibialis anterior
    To flex the ankle
  48. Trapezius
    To elevate the shoulder
  49. Triceps (medial head)
    To extend the elbow
  50. Triceps (lateral head)
    To extend the elbow
  51. Triceps (long head)
    To extend the elbow
  52. Ulnaris lateralis
    To flex the wrist and extend the elbow
  53. Vastus lateralis
    To extend the knee
  54. Vastus medialis
    To extend the knee
Card Set
Fetal Pig
Anatomy Final