flashcards for pages 146-177

  1. Settlement house
    A community center where people could learn new skills and get help such as food and medicine
  2. Strike
    Workers refusing to work untill employers meet their demands
  3. Entrepreneur
    A person who sets up and runs a business
  4. Petroleum
  5. Transcontinental Railroad
    A railroad that crossed the entire continent
  6. Skyscraper
    Very tall buildings
  7. Labor Union
    A group of workers who join together to improve working
  8. Free Enterprise
    An economic system in which people are free to start and run their own businesses with limited government control
  9. Trenements
    Poorly built apartment buildings
  10. Regulation
    Goverment controls that were placed to limit immigration
  11. Collective Bargaining
    This allows workers and employers to discuss and agree on working conditions
  12. Advertisement
    A public announcement that tells people about a product or opportunity
Card Set
flashcards for pages 146-177
Social Studies