Urbanism final III

  1. perceptions of safety 
    • clean and free of graffiti 
    • police presence 
  2. premium ammenities 
    • people are willing to pay for premium ammenities like club houses at apartments, pools,mini parks 
    • about 18% more for these things 
  3. proactive initiatives for affordability in New Urbanism 
    create a certification system that requires the inclusion of affordable housing 
  4. regional planning 
    manages urban growth at the scale of the average daily life that takes a person to different townships
  5. right-of-way
    whole area that is reserved for street 
  6. roadway
    travel lanes of the street 
  7. scale of buildings 
    • smaller buildings help pedestrians and active sidewalks 
    • tall buildings are towering and aren't as inviting 
  8. seatings 
    • implies that you can stay in the area 
    • can be anything from a bench to a ledge 
    • needs to facilitate people watching 
  9. sidewalk materials 
    • need to be easy to fix or replace 
    • have to consider the tradeoff of environmental benefit of permeable surfaces and the cost efficient concrete 
  10. skyways
    • protects people from the weather but some people won't use sidewalks 
    • takes people away from the outdoors 
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Urbanism final III