ch.28 bio

  1. the nervous system sends
    instant messages throughout your body
  2. dendrite
    recive input
  3. different dendrites 
    are going to sense different things
  4. nerves are
  5. cell body
    decides whether or not to send impulse on
  6. axon
    passes impulse on
  7. myelin sheath
    insulation so nerves can transmit messages faster; white color
  8. node of ranvier
    constriction in myelin sheath
  9. white matter
    lots of myelinated nerves
  10. gray matter
    lots of unmyelinated nerves
  11. synapse
    gap between the axon and the next cell
  12. sensory nerves
    carry messages from the body to the brain; can sense things : hot, cold, wet, pain, enough food in stomach, sound, light, changes in blood pressure
  13. motor nerves
    carry messages from brain out to the body; respond to the stimulus: move hand, stop eating, dilate arteries for higher blood pressure
  14. labeled line
    your brain knows which nerve sent message
  15. cool thing
    if you apply a small voltage difference to a particular nerve, your brain thinks it felt something
  16. referred pain
    pain that is felt in a different location from the affected area; pain from heart attack felt in left arm
  17. adaptation
    you get used to a constant stimulus; maxed out nervers no longer send info
  18. central nervous system
    consists of brain and spinal cord
  19. peripheral nervous system
    all nerves other than the brain and spinal cord
  20. somatic nervous system
    voluntary; tells skeletal muscles when to contract
  21. autonomic nervous system
    involuntary; tells smooth and cardiac muscle when to contract
  22. sympathetic nervous sytem
    fight or flight system; increases heart rate ad breathing, decreases digestion, opens pupils
  23. sparasympathetic nervous system
    normal calm system; decreases heart rate and breathing, increases digestion, closes pupils
  24. spinal cord
    large collection of nerves running from the base of the brain to the hips
  25. reflex
    fast, automatic, but predictable respone to stimuli; sensory nerves go to the spinal cord and spinal cord deals with it ; no brain
  26. different parts of the brain
    need different amounts of oxygen
  27. medulla oblongata
    regulates heart rate and breathing
  28. pons
    bridge that connects cerebrum, cerebellum, and medulla
  29. cerebellum
    controls complex movements; motor movements, balance, equilibrium
  30. midbrain
    helps control gross movements; reflex center for hearing and vision
  31. reticular fromation
    maintains consciousness, wakes you up from sleep
  32. pineal gland
    secretes melatonin; biological clock
  33. limbic system
    regulates emotional aspects of behavior
  34. hippocompus
    located within the limbic system; have found new nerves grown here
  35. thalamus
    intergrating center for many sensory impulses like touch, pain,and smell
  36. hypothalamus
    regulates pituitary gland, emotions, behavior, body temp, thirst, hunger
  37. pituitary gland
    associated with brain; secretes numerous hormones; master gland
  38. cerebral cortex (cerebrum)
    sophisticated mental functions; sight, language, personality, thinking, memory
  39. cerebral hemisphere
    1/2 of cerebral cortex
  40. visual association
    baby can recognize people from their pictures
  41. auditory association
    they have known for years that talking to a baby helps the baby learn to speak
  42. the right side of the mind controls
    the muscles on the left side of the body and the left side of brain controls right side of body
  43. aritistic ability and generating mental images of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell are
    on the right side of brain
  44. language, numerical,and scientific skills and resonings are
    on the left side of the brain
  45. right frontal lobe is
    associated with humor
  46. women's brains do respond better to
    emotions, meaning we really are more emotional and vulnerable to depression
  47. women use both side of their brain to read and speak, while guys tend to use
    their left hemisphere
  48. women's brains remeber things
  49. women's brains shrink
  50. women's corpus callosum is
  51. corpus callosum
    connects the 2 cerebral hemispheres
  52. epileptic seizure
    nerve impulses spread through the entire brain rather than staying on the appropriate nerve
  53. alzheimer's disease
    characterized by confusion, memory loss, and often personality changes, and little facial expression
  54. parkinson's disease
    missing dopamine causes motor disorder with muscle tremors, poor balance, and little facial expression
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ch.28 bio