AQA Physics 1 Topic 4

  1. Name the 3 fossil fuels
    • Coal
    • Oil
    • Gas
  2. Which part of a power station turns kinetic energy into electrical energy?
  3. Name the two particles in the nucleus of an atom
    • neutron
    • proton
  4. Name 3 renewable ways to generate electricity
    • Any 3 from:
    • Wind 
    • tidal 
    • biofuel,
    • solar,
    • geothermal,
    • hydroelectric,
    • wave
  5. What does a solar heating panel do?
    Traps heat from the sun and uses it to warm water
  6. What advantage does Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) give power stations?
    Traps the carbon dioxide before it is released. This then does not contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming.
  7. Why are high voltages used to transmit power on power lines?
    It is more efficient (less energy is lost)
  8. Which type of power station has the longest start-up time?
  9. Which releases more energy per kg, plutonium or coal?
  10. What is a biofuel?
    A fuel obtained from living or recently living organisms
  11. What is the name of the process whereby an atom's nucleus splits into 2 or more pieces?
    Nuclear fission
  12. Why is tidal power more reliable than wind power?
    The movement of tides happens regularly every day whereas wind does not always blow.
  13. What do we call geothermal heat used to heat buildings?
    Ground heat
  14. Name 2 problems caused by burning fossil fuels
    • 1. Increased greenhouse gases causing global warming
    • 2. Acid rain (from the sulfur released)
  15. What do step-up transformers do?
    Increase the voltage and reduce the current
  16. What type of power stations are used to fulfil the base-load demand
    Nuclear, Coal, Oil
  17. Name two nuclear fuels
    • Plutonium,
    • Uranium
  18. Give two examples of biofuels
    • Any two from:
    • Methane
    • Ethanol
    • Straw
    • Wood chip
  19. What is the name of the big fan that is turned by steam inside a power station
  20. What does a solar cell do?
    Converts solar energy into electrical energy
  21. What gas causes acid rain?
    Sulphur dioxide
  22. What is the purpose of transformers in the National Grid?
    Increase or reduce voltages to the levels required
  23. What do step-down transformers do?
    Increase the current and reduce the voltage
  24. Why is nuclear fuel classed as non-renewable?
    Because supplies of nuclear fuel will eventually run out (even though they may last a long time)
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AQA Physics 1 Topic 4
AQA P1.4