slave, Warrior, hero

  1. abolish (uh-BOL-ish)
    verb; to do away with or put an end to

    example: This organization is working to abolish homelessness in our community.
  2. bombard (bom-BAHRD)
    • verb; 1. to attack with heavy gunfire or bombs; 2. to attack forcefully or
    • continuously (as with questions or requests)
    • example 1: The warships threatened to bombard the capital.
    • example 2: Jessica bombarded Daniel with questions about his new girlfriend.
  3. commandeer (kom-uhn-DEER)
  4. verb; to take possession of by force, especially for military purposes
    • example: Captain Wallace knew the pirates would try to commandeer his ship—and he doubted
    • he could stop them.
  5. helm (helm)
    • noun; a tiller (bar) or wheel used to steer a ship
    • example: James took the helm and guided the ship safely through the crowded harbor.
  6. hold (hohld)
    • noun; the cargo space inside a boat or an airplane
    • example: The ship’s hold was packed with crates of bananas.
  7. incredulous (in-KREJ-uh-luhs)
  8. adjective; feeling or showing an inability to believe; skeptical
    • example: Sarah and Shelby were incredulous. How could the school dance be canceled? It was all
    • they had talked about for weeks!
  9. treason (TREE-zuhn)
    • noun; the crime of attempting to overthrow one’s government or harm or
    • kill its leader, or a violation of allegiance toward one’s country or ruler
    • example: Their plot to murder the king was discovered and they were convicted of treason.
  10. vivacious (vi-VAY-shuhs)
    • adjective; full of life and good spirits; lively
    • example: “Eliza is so vivacious,” said Shannon. “Nothing can dim her spirit.”
Card Set
slave, Warrior, hero
SCR slave, Warrior, hero