PC Operating Systems Section 1

  1. A _____ is a software product that manages the basic processes that occur within a computer, coordinates the interaction of hardware and software, and provides support for the use of other types of software.
    Operating System
  2. _____ refers to the process of powering on a computer system and loading the operating system into memory.
  3. Operating systems typically include a variety of _____, or programs, for optimizing the performance of your computer.
  4. The DOS operating system uses a(n) _____ interface in which you communicate with the operating system by typing a command after a(n) _____
    Command Line, Command Prompt
  5. In a(n) _____ configuration, your computer has two operating systems (such as Windows 2000 and MS-DOS), and during booting, you can choose the operating system you want to use.
  6. The _____ identifies the exact location of a file on a disk, and includes the name of the drive and the sequence of directories to locate and open that file
    Full path
  7. The ability of an operating system to handle hardware and software designed for earlier systems is called _____.
    Backward compatibility 
  8. A(n) _____ is a complete operating environment under Windows for a DOS program.
    Virtual DOS machine or VDM
  9. In _____, the computer monitor displays only text, numbers, symbols, and a small set of graphics characters, using white, amber, or green characters on a black background.
    Text mode
  10. A(n) _____ is an instruction to perform a specific task, such as format a diskette.
  11. The _____ is the drive that is currently in use, and that is identified in the command prompt.
    Current drive or default drive.
  12. When working in a command line environment, a(n) _____ is the term commonly used to refer to a folder.
  13. The top-level folder is called the _____ when working in a command line environment.
    Root directory
  14. Cmd.exe is an example of a type of program that is referred to as a(n) _____.
    Command interpreter
  15. The program code, or routine, for _____ commands is stored within the program file Cmd.exe.
  16. The program code for _____ commands resides in a specific file on disk.
  17. _____ refers to the proper format for entering a command, including how to spell the command, and whether the command uses required or optional parameters.
  18. A(n) _____ is an optional parameter that changes the way in which a command works.
  19. A(n) _____ is an electronic label assigned to a disk.
    Volume Label
  20. In a Command Prompt window, you can use the _____ key to repeat or recall the previous command.
  21. Windows 2000 keeps track of the last 50 commands you enter at the command prompt in an area of memory known as the _____.
    Command History or Command Stack
  22. To alternate between inserting and replacing text as you type, use the _____ key.
  23. If you do not specify a drive name, the Directory command will refer to the _____ drive shown in the Command Prompt window and display the directory listing for that drive
  24. If your directory listing contains more directory and file names than the Directory command can list in the window, Windows 2000 adjusts the window view through a process called _____.
  25. By default, DIR lists the files in _____ -which is the order in which the system keeps track of the files.
    Disk Order
  26. The _____ identifies the type of information in a file.
    File Extension
  27. To modify the Directory command so DIR displays a directory listing one full window at a time, use the _____ switch.
  28. To display filenames in columns across the window, and therefore enable you to view more filenames at once, use the _____ switch.
  29. What alternative to the above switch can you use, which arranges filenames vertically instead of horizontally.
  30. To display filenames in alphabetical order, use the _____ switch.
  31. A(n) _____ allows only 8 characters and then a 3-character extension.
    Short Filename
  32. A(n) _____ is a setting consisting of a bit that is turned on or off by the operating system, and defines a particular characteristic of the file.
  33. _____ the largest of all the files in the root directory folder, is an operating system file referred to as a paging file, or swap file.
  34. A(n) _____ is a symbol that substitutes for one or more characters in a filename.
    Wildcard. ? for one digit. * for one or more.
  35. A(n) _____ provides information about the type of files you want to select and display in a directory listing.
    File Specification
  36. An environment _____ is a symbolic name associated with a specific setting.
  37. What character do you use to reverse a sort order parameter when you use the Order switch?
    Minus Sign (-)
  38. What command would you enter at the command prompt to display filenames in alphabetical order by file extension only?
    DIR /oe
  39. What command would you use to view the contents of the Windows environment?
  40. What command would you enter to make DIR default to displaying filenames in order by name, one full window at a time?
    DIR o/p/ or DIR /p/o
  41. A(n) _____ file is a simple file format in which data is stored as text. 
  42. The last character in an ASCII text file is a special type of code-a(n) _____ code.
    end-of-file (EOF)
  43. To send ouput to another device other than the standard output device (the display device), you can _____, or change the destination of, that output and, for example, send the output to a file on disk.
  44. You can use the _____ operator to redirect output to a file.
    output redirection
  45. To view the contents of an ASCII text file, you use the _____ command.
  46. A(n) _____is a command that can modify the output of another command.
  47. The _____ operator redirects the output produced by a command operation so that the output then becomes the input for another command.
  48. You can use the _____ operator to redirect input from a file on disk.
    input redirection
  49. You can use the _____ operator to redirect output and add it to the end of an existing file.
    append output redirection
  50. The standard input device is the _____, and the standard output device is the _____..
    Keyboard, Screen. (or monitor or video display device)
  51. A(n) _____ is a name Windows 2000 assigns to each of the devices, or hardware components, in a computer system.
    device name
  52. If you want to redirect output to a printer, specify the name of your _____ as the output device.
    printer port
  53. _____ is the device name of the first parallel printer port (also called Line Printer #1)
  54. When making a copy of a file, the file you copy is called the _____ file.
  55. When making a copy of a file, the file that contains the new copy is called the _____ file.
    Destination (or target)
  56. One advantage of the REN command is that you can use wildcards to change the filename of _____ files.
    multiple (or more than one)
  57. When deleting a file, you should use the _____ switch.
    prompt for verfication (or /p)
  58. When redirecting output to a parallel port, you can use _____ instead of LPT1 as the device name.
  59. TYPE, COPY, RENAME, REN, DEL, and ERASE all have one feature in common-they are _____ commands.
  60. You have to be careful when using _____ with the Delete or Erase commands.
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PC Operating Systems Section 1
Terms from section 1.1 and 1.2 from Microsoft Windows 2000 MS-DOS Command Line