Psychology 139 Final Chapter 8

  1. Achievement motivation:
    • Murray’s definition of the need to achieve,
    • -note terms—to accomplish- The desire “to accomplish
    • something difficult; to master, manipulate, or organize… to over come obstacles and attain a high standard; to excel one’s self
  2. Mastery and performance goals.
    Look it up!!!!!
  3. Type A
    • Typical Type A – strongly motivated to overcome obstacles and are driven to achieve. They are attracted to competition enjoy power and recognition, and are easily aroused to anger and action. They dislike wasting time and do things in a vigorous and efficient manner. They often find more easygoing people a source of frustration. On the others hand Type B people are relaxed and unhurried. They may work hard on occasion, but rarely in the driven, cumpulsive manner. There people are less
    • likely than type a to seek competition or to be aroused to anger or action. Three major components in type A – higher competitivness, show a sense of time urgency, and more likely to respond to frustrating situations with anger and hostility.
  4. Social Anxiety
    LOOK IT UP!!!!
  5. Emotions: affectivity, intensity, expressiveness.
    • Emotional experience as a stable personal attribute. People differ in their emotional affectivity- the dimension of positive or negative emotions; note behaviors of Positive vs, negative people. People also differ in their affect intensity—the strength of the experienced emotion, and in emotional expressiveness. Is affect intensity
    • related to happiness? Study very well this section. READ 212 - 220
  6. Researchers indentified one of these dimensions simply as positive affect. At one extreme we have emotions as active,
    content, and satisfied At the other end we find sad, and lethargic. The other dimension that emerged in this research was identified, perhaps predictably as negative affect At one end is anger and distress. 1At the other end we have calm and serene.
    Some people are intense and others are moderate; they are both happy.
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Psychology 139 Final Chapter 8
Psychology 139 Final Chapter 8