Cell Structures/Organelles

  1. Define Histology.
    The study of the microscopic structure and function of cells and associated tissue.
  2. What is the nucleus?
    the largest organelle in the cell
  3. what is a lysosome?
    produced by the golgi complex and digests intercellular and extracellular materials.
  4. Name 3 types of fibers found in connective tissue?
    • Reticular
    • Collagen
    • Elastic
  5. Name the different types of connective tissue?
    • Adipose 
    • Elastic
    • Reticular
  6. What is another name for connective tissue proper?
    • lamina propria
    • aka the papillary layer
  7. What are the 2 types of cells found in cartilage?
    • chondroblasts 
    • chondrocytes
  8. What is the periodontium?
    hard and soft dental tissue between tooth and alveolar bone
  9. What is perichondrium?
    fibrous connective tissue sheath of cartilage containing blood vessels.
  10. what is the most common cell of connective tissue?
  11. What are the four states of connective tissue?
    • soft
    • firm
    • rigid
    • fluid
  12. What are the 3 types of lymphocytes?
    • B cells
    • T cells
    • NK cells
  13. What are the 2 layers of the connective tissue proper?
    • loose connective tissue- papillary
    • dense connective tissue- reticular
  14. What are the two layers of the basal lamina?
    • lamina lucida
    • lamina densa
  15. What is the name of immature connective tissue?
    granulation tissue
  16. What are the three types of specialized connective tissue?
    • adipose
    • elastic
    • reticular
  17. What are the three types of cartilage?
    • hyaline
    • elastic
    • fibrocartilage
  18. What are the two types of growth in cartilage?
    • interstitial growth
    • appostitional growth
  19. What is the periosteum?
    double layer dense connective tissue sheath covering bone.
  20. what are the two types of bone?
    • compact
    • cancellous
  21. What is the endosteum?
    lines the inside of bone
  22. What is the formula for calcium hydroxyapitite?
  23. What is bone matrix intially formed as?
  24. What cells produce osteiod?
  25. What are the apposed sheets of compact bone matrix called?
  26. What makes up the Haversian canal made up of?
    the group of osteons
  27. What are the Volkmann's Canals referred to as?
    nutrient canals
  28. What is the development of bone called?
  29. What is another name for immature bone?
    woven bone
  30. What are the formed elements of blood?
    • Red blood cells
    • White blood cells
    • platelets
  31. Where are red blood cells formed?
    the bone marrow
  32. What is the layer at the bottom of a centrifuged vial?
  33. What's another name for platelets?
  34. What are the 5 types of WBC's?
    • neutrophils(polymorphonuclear) leukocytes
    • lymphocytes
    • moncytes
    • eosinophils
    • basophils
  35. What are 3 types of muscle?
    • skeletal
    • smooth
    • cardiac
  36. what are each muscle bundles called?
  37. what are muscle cells comprised of?
  38. These are the smallest part of muscle fibrils composed of actin and myosin?
  39. Nerve tissue is derived from what layer of the embryo?
  40. What is the function of the afferent nerves?
    sensory signals from body to brain
  41. An efferent nerve sends signals to and from what part of the body?
    motor signals from brain to body
  42. What are the 2 divisions of the nervous system?
    • CNS
    • PNS
  43. What are the 2 divisions of the PNS?
    • Autonomic Nervous System
    • Somatic Nervous System
  44. What are the 2 divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System?
    • sympathetic
    • parasympathetic
Card Set
Cell Structures/Organelles
Study guide flash cards for Histology