Communications review

  1. in order of inportance what are three methods people choose to get there message across?
    • word choice 7%
    • tone of voice 38%
    • body language 55%
  2. what are some guidelines to follow in terms of word choice?
    be concise, avoid superlatives, use proper grammar, avoid jargon or terminology beyond the clients comprehension
  3. give examples of negative tones of voice
    angry tone-sarcastic tone-impatience or a monotone voice indicating boredom
  4. list 5 good voice qualitys
    • volume
    • inflection
    • pitch
    • enunciation
    • using a ring in your voice to convey a positive message
  5. definition of rapport
    a relationship that exists between two parties.

    *a relationship between the client and clinic
  6. what are some inportant steps when dealing with an upset client?
    • take them to a private room
    • take notes/paraphrase
    • speak in a slow but normal voice
    • listen carefully
    • tell them you understand
  7. give examples of good listening skills
    • make good eye contact
    • listen to tone of voice
    • take notes
    • dont interrupt
    • limit your own talking
    • be prepared
  8. what are the 8 steps you follow when a client wants to make a complaint about a product?
    • 1-ask client to send a letter
    • 2-telephone supplier
    • 3-send letter with clients letter and cover letter to rep
    • 4-plan dates to follow up
    • 5-discuss and suggest solution
    • 6-keep client information and make copies
    • 7-check to ensure client is happy
    • 8-send thankyou letter
  9. what is important when taking phone messages? 
    • take name 
    • phone number
    • message
    • make sure it is seen
    • pull file
  10. list four services that a vet clinic may offer to clients
    • grooming
    • nail clipping
    • boarding 
    • softpaws application
  11. list five situations in which you could interrupt the vet
    • 1-colleague
    • 2-patient emergency
    • 3-clinic emergency
    • 4-dr tells you to
    • 5-family emergency
  12. what percent of communication is comprised of body language
  13. what four questions could you ask if the patient is having resp problems?
    • is there somthing blocking the airway?
    • are they breathing?
    • colour of the gums
    • are they concious
  14. what are 4 questions that could be asked if the patient has diarrhea?
    • any vomiting?
    • how long?
    • what does it look like?
    • dull and depressed?
  15. what are four questions that must be asked if a patient is bleeding?
    • squirting or oozing?
    • result of animal bite/fight?
    • will bleeding stop if pressure is applied?
    • is animal bleeding from vulva mouth ears anus or penis?
  16. list 5 questions for cardiac emergencys
    has animal collapsed?

    are the gums blue or pale pink?

    has animal become reluctant to move?

    is the patient sitting in a preying mantis position?

    has there been a change in amount of animals ability to exercise?
  17. list 4 questions for bloat
    1-is the dog hunched over trying to vomit?

    2- does abdomen appear bloated?

    3-have clients fed or exercised the dog within the last 2-6 hours?

    4-does the dog seem weak or restless?
  18. 4 questions for feline urinary obstruction
    is cat collapsed?

    is it male or female?

    has client observed evidence of urination?

    any changes in behavior or use of litter box?
  19. 4 questions on eye trauma
    has there been trauma to the eye?

    has there been a change in appearance in the eye?

    has there been a sudden loss of vision?

    does the eye seem painful?
  20. 4 questions on poisoning
    did someone see the animal eat drink or ingest poison?

    is animal weak/collapsed?

    is animal having trouble breathing?

    is animal vomiting/diarrhea?
  21. 4 questions for pregnant animal in labour?
    does owner know where patient was bred?

    does mother seem ill?

    is mother crying or biting at vulva?

    has animal had strong contractions>30-60 mins or gone 6 hours without first fetus?
  22. 4 questions on seizures
    did the animal collapse and lie still or tremble and fall over with pet paddling and crying?

    did the tremors or paddling last more than 3 mins?

    did the animal urinate/deficate during the seizure?

    is the animal less than 6 months of age?
  23. 4 questions on general weight loss
    how long has owner noticed weight loss?

    can the owner feel ribs under the skin?

    is the animal a kitten or puppy?

    is animal otherwise sick?
Card Set
Communications review
communications final. emergency triage ect