Lecture 5

  1. Light Reaction:
    Reactant ________
    Energy Source ________
    Product ________

    Dark Reaction:

    Reactant ________
    Energy Source ________
    Product ________
    • Water
    • Light
    • Oxygen

    • Carbon dioxide
    • NADPH and ATP from LR
    • Sugars
  2. Broad cycle of energy transformation

    abiotic environment --> plants --> herbivores, omnivores, carnivores --> detrivores
  3. Stomata
    A pore complex that opens when turgid and lets gas enter (importantly O2 and CO2 for respiration and photosynthesis) and closes when flaccid.
  4. Macromolecules from Calvin Cycle product: triose phosphates
    1. Hexose Phosphates -->

    • 2a. Sucrose (glucose-fructose) ~ transport
    • 2b. Cellulose
    • 2c. Starch ~ storage
    • 2d. Pentose Phosphate -->

    3. DNA, RNA, Lipids, etc
  5. The Calvin Cycle (stages and main substrates)
    • 1. Carboxylation:
    •     R1,5BP + CO2 + H2O --> (2) 3PG

    2. Reduction

    •     3PG + ATP + NADPH --> G3P
    •     G3P --> triose phosphate --> etc

    3. Regeneration

        G3P + ATP --> R1,5BP
  6. Discoverer of Calvin Cycle
    • Mevlin Calvin
    • Andrew Benson
    • James Bassham
  7. Discovery of Calvin Cycle facts:

    Substance/microbe used ___________
    Benson created the __________
    Algae content separated by __________

    Lollipop (continuous strains of algae grown and light shined on it. 14C injected and algae content analyzed)

    Two dimensional paper chromatography where after 2 hours, the paper rotated 90 degrees (gives difference in height AND length).
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Lecture 5
Calvin Cycle