Zoology review 3.txt

    • author "me"
    • tags ""
    • description "Arthropods & Echinoderms"
    • fileName "Zoology review 3"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • What are the general characteristics of the phylum Arthropods?
    • 1) Bilateral symmetry
    • 2) Triploblastic cellular level
    • 3) Coelomate body cavity
  1. What are the unify characteristics of Arthropods?
    • 1) Segmented bodies
    • 2) jointed appendages
  2. Do Arthropods have a open or closed circulation?
  3. Do Arthropods have a complete or incomplete digestive system?
  4. Arthropods typically repoduce
    Dioecious and dimorphic
  5. What are some examples of Arthropods sensory structures?
    • 1) compound eye
    • 2) very alert to their environment/nitch
    • 3) structures for touch, smell, balance chemical reception
  6. What are the 5 subphyla. Of Arthropods (know examples of organism with each group)?
    • 1) Trilobita- All species extinct
    • 2) Chelicerata- spiders, ticks, horse shoe crabs
    • 3) Crustacea- shrimp, crayfish, crab
    • 4) Myriapoda- centipedes, millipedes
    • 5) Hexapoda- insects
  7. What are the 3 classes of subphyla Chelicerata?
    • 1) Arachnida- spiders, ticks, scorpions
    • 2) Merostomata- giant water scorpions (extinct)
    • 3) Pycnogondia- sea spiders
  8. How do members of Chelicerata differ from other Arthropods?
    They have no antennae
  9. What is Hexapoda 1 main class?
  10. Hexapodas were the first animal to do what?
  11. What is subphyla Myriapoda 2 classes?
    • 1) Diplopoda- millipedes- non threatening
    • 2) Chilopoda- cenipedes- agressive
  12. What are the characteristics of the subphyla Trilobite?
    • 1) 3 body lobes
    • 2) all extinct
  13. What are the 3 types of metamorphosis among Arthropods?
    • 1) Amatobolis- none- look like parents
    • 2) Hemimatabolis- partial
    • 3) Halotabolis- complete
  14. What is a pro and con if metamorphosis?
    • Pro:
    • If thhey do t look like their parents then no competition food

    • Con:
    • Have to build up alot of energy
  15. What are some examples for each larva form ( aquatic vs. terrestrial )?
    • 1) Nymphs- terrestial- grasshopper
    • 2) Naiads- aquatic- dragonflies
  16. What are the different types of pupal form?
    • 1) pupa- mosquitoes
    • 2) cocoon- moths
    • 3) chrysalis- butterflies
  17. What adaptations do Arthropods have to prevent dessication?
    • 1) Epicutical makes waxy and varnish layer
    • 2) ability to close spiracle
    • 3) fluid is extracted from food and fecal material
    • 4) matabolism allows production of water
    • 5) may enter duapause/hybornation
    • 6) exoskeleton
  18. What are the 2 main appendage types?
    • 1) Uniramous
    • 2) Biramous
  19. Which subphyla has which locomotion appendage type?
    • 1) Uniramoud- insects, myriapods
    • 2) Biramous- crustacea, chelicerata
  20. What are the different methods of respiration? ( terrestrial and aquatic )
    • 1) Terrestrial- tracheal system
    • 2) Aquatic- various forms of gills
  21. What are the 2 main feeding structures?
    • 1) Chelicerae
    • 2) Mandible
  22. Which subphylum uses which feeding structures?
    • 1) Chelicerae- crustacea, chelicerata
    • 2) Mandible- insects, myriapods
  23. What are the benefits if having a exoskeleton?
    • 1) structure support
    • 2) protection
    • 3) joint cuticle- allows mobility
    • 4) system of levers for muscle attachment and movement
  24. What are the pro of insects to humans?
    • 1) products- honey, wax, silk
    • 2)pollination of plants
    • 3) biological control
    • 4) turn soil, promote decaying prosses
    • 5) important to food webs
    • 6) studied by scientists
  25. What are some con of insect and humans?
    • 1) some are parasites
    • 2) some carry harmful disease
    • 3) feed on crops and transmit plant diseasea
    • 4) some are poisonous to humans
  26. Why are Arthropods such a successful group of animals?
    • 1) exoskelton
    • 2) metomophosis
    • 3) ability to adapt
  27. Why are insects such a successful group of animals?
    Ability to fly
  28. What are the social group hierarchy?
    • 1) complex societies with division of labor
    • 2) based on castle differentiation
  29. What are the role of each ant colony member?
    • 1) Queen - controls colony, only reproductive female
    • 2) Drones - fertile males that mate with queen
    • 3) Workers - sterile females who father food and care for young
    • 4) Soldiers - protect and defend colony
  30. What are the general characteristics of the phylum Echinoderms?
    • 1) Pentaradial symmetry
    • 2) Triploblastic cellular level
    • 3) coelomate body cavity
  31. Do Echinoderms have a open or closed circulatory system?
    Water vascular system
  32. Do Echinoderms have a complete ir incomplete digestion?
  33. How do Echinoderms reproduce?
  34. What is the flow of water through the water vascular system?
    • 1) madreporite
    • 2) stone canal
    • 3) ring canal
    • 4) radial canal
    • 5) lateral canal
    • 6) tube feet
  35. What is the benefit of pentaradial symmetry?
    • 1) stronger body structure
    • 2) uniform distribution of sensory and feeding structures
  36. Open vs. Pyloris stomach
    • 1) (Open) Cardiac stomach - stomach that comes out of body
    • 2) Pyloris stomach - act as digestive gland
  37. What are the 5 classes, examples, and characteristics of Echinoderms?
    • 1) Crinodea - sea lilies - mouth and anus present on oral surface
    • 2) Opniuroidea - brittle star - tube feet not used for locomotion
    • 3) Echinodea - sea urchins - movable spines
    • 4) Asrerodies - sea stars - broad arms, indistinct from central disc
    • 5) Holothuroudea - sea cucumber - body soft and cylindrical and without arms
  38. What are the unify characteristics of the phylum Echinoderms?
    • 1) prickly skin
    • 2) water vascular system
  39. Androgenic gland
    Hormones used to regulate molting, reproduction, metabolism, and heart rate
  40. Bioluminescence
    Emission of light by living organism
  41. Biramous
    Having 2 branches appendages on arthropods
  42. Carspace
    Dorsal ( upper) section of exoskeleton
  43. Chitin
    Exoskeleton tough protective laye
  44. Chromatophores
    Light reflecting organelles
  45. Ecdysis
    Molting shedding exoskeleton
  46. Epicuticle
    Outer layer on skeleton of arthropods
  47. Exoskeleton
    Hard outer covering of animal
  48. Gonopods
    1st pair swimmeretes uses in reproduction
  49. Innate behavior
    Not learned, controlled behavior, very organized activities
  50. Metamerism
    Segmentation of body parts, similar to annelids
  51. Pheramones
    Chemicals released to attract a mate
  52. Procuticle
    Thick layer below epicutical
  53. Spiracle
    External opening to tracheal system
  54. Swimmerets
    Appendages used for locomotion
  55. Tagma
    Ex head thorax and abdomen, segmants fused into functional groups
  56. Tagmatization
    Specialization of body segment for particular function
  57. Telson
    Projection that protects young and eggs
  58. Uropoda
    Tail like paddle for swift movement backwards
  59. Aboral
    Side furtgest from mouth ( butt)
  60. Ambulacral groove
    Contains the tube feet
  61. Autotomy
    Casting off body parts for ability to get away from predator
  62. Cloaca
    Chamber to release all fluids ( chicken)
  63. Lateral canal
    Connects between radial canal and tube feet
  64. Matreporite
    Opening to outside of the body
  65. Oral
  66. Ossicles
    Calsium plate of exoskeleton
  67. Papulae
    Dermal branch or skin gills, used for respiration and waste removal
  68. Pedicellariae
    Pincher like tiny jaws manipulated by muscles
  69. Pentaradial
    Radial symmetry bases on 5 symmetry division
  70. Radial canal
    Allows water flow from ring canal to lateral canal
  71. Regeneration
    Regrow body parts
  72. Respiratory tree
    Feather, gill like structures in sea cucumbers for gas exchange
  73. Ring canal
    Attached to radial canal connects to ambulacral groove of each ray
  74. Stone canal
    Connects madreporite opening to ring canal
  75. Test
    Endoskeleton of echinoids
  76. Tube feet
    Extension of the canal system ured for locomotion
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Zoology review 3.txt