Clinical ethics

  1. Concerns beliefs regarding morally right and wrong actions and morally good and bad persons or character.
  2. The study of morality using the tools and methods of philosophy
  3. The study of morality using the methodology of science. Purpose is to investigate empirical facts of morality, the actual beliefs, behaviors and practices that constitute people's moral experience.
    Descriptive ethics
  4. What is the diff between ethics and descriptive ethics?
    • ethics: How ought we to live
    • Descriptive ethics: how do we infact live
  5. Search for and justification of moral standards or norms. Most often the standards are moral principals, rules, virtues, and theories  and aim is to establish rationally some or all of these as proper guides for our actions and judgments.
    Normative ethics
  6. is the study of meaning and justification basic moral beliefs
  7. The use of moral norms and concepts to resolve practical moral issues.
    applied ethics
  8. is applied ethics focused on health care, medical science, and medical technology.
  9. where moral norms are presumed to dominate other kinds of norms, to take precedence over them.
    Normative Dominance.
  10. where moral principals or judgments apply in all relevantly similar situations.
  11. implicit in moral norms, the idea that everyone should be considered equal, that everyone's in interests should count the same.
  12. To participate in morality, to engage in the essential, unavoidable practices of the moral life.
  13. Refers to a person's rational capacity for self-governance or self-determination, the ability to direct one's own life and choose for oneself.
  14. demands that patients be allowed to freely consent to or decline treatments and that they receive the info they need to make informed judgments about them.
    informed consent.
  15. Overriding of a person's actions or decision-making for her own good.
  16. Doing good to others and avoiding harm
  17. Not to intentionally harm someone.
  18. Principle that says that we should produce the most favorable balance of good over bad for all concerned.
  19. people getting what is fair or what is their due
  20. concerns the fair distribution of society's advantages and disadvantages for example jobs income, welfare ad, health care, rights, taxes and public service.
    distributive justice
  21. Concerns the fair meting out of punishment for wrongdoing.
    Retributive justice
  22. emphasizes personal freedoms and the riht to pursue one's own social and economic well-being in a free market without interference from others.
  23. theories maintain that a just distribution is an equal distribution.
  24. States that there are moral norms or principles that are valid or true for everyone. The idea that at least some moral standards are objective.
    Moral objectivism
  25. the belief that objective moral principles allow no exceptions or must be applied the same way in all cases and cultures.
    Moral absolutism.
  26. moral standards are not objective but are relative to what individuals or cultures believe.
    ethical relativism.
  27. ethical relativism pertaining to individuals. More precisely stated as the view that right actions are those sanctioned by a person.
    subjective relativism.
  28. Ethical relativism regarding cultures . the view that right actions are those sanctioned by one's culture.
    Cultural relativism.
  29. the view that morality does have this kind of dependence. It says that right actions are those commanded by God, and wrong actions are those forbidden by God. God is the author of the moral law. making right and wrong by his will.
    Divine command theory.
  30. Type of argument intended to give logically conclusive support to their conclusions so that if the premises are true, the conclusion absolutely must be true.
    Deductive arguments.
  31. arguments that are supposed to give probable support to their conclusions. they are not designed to support their conclusions decisively.
    Inductive arguments.
  32. an argument whose conclusion is a moral statement, an assertion that an action is right or wrong or that a person or motive is good or bad.
    moral argument
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Clinical ethics
Clinical Ethics