wildlife and pocket pets

  1. Life expectancy of a guinea pig
    8 years
  2. housing applied to all pocket pets?
    • prefur large aquarium type tank tight fitting lids
    • escape easily
    • keep cage away from drafts
    • need soft burrowing type material moss or shredded chopped straw
    • branches with bark for gnawing
    • never allow cage to get damp
  3. some general information on handling
    • always hold pets facing the handler so leaping always results in atatchment to clothing
    • a face cloth a hang towel for restraint and one hand body restraint
    • nail trims are very inportant in captivity
  4. general information to be applied to feeding:
    • fresh fruit and hay daily
    • green stuffs, lettuce, kale
    • items to chew
  5. gerbils life expectancy
    2-3 years
  6. hamsters life expectancy
    2-3 years
  7. rats life expectancy
    4-5 years
  8. mice life expectancy
    3-4 years
  9. what four questions  should you ask yourself about personal safety when attempting to capture wildlife
    • how long have you watched it?
    • does the animal appear injured (blood, dragging leg or wing)
    • is it a dangerous location? (driveway or roadway)
    • is there a dead adult or sibling nearby?
  10. how do you treat a bat in a home?
    make a bat house on the side of the house so the bat has a safe place that will not do damage to the original structure
  11. how to stop birds from roosting in homes or bad places?
    • exclude from area with netting
    • remove all flat surfaces
    • install wire laid in paralell rows on any roosting surface
    • use noise repellents
  12. chipmonks prevention
    bury wire to prevent burrowing
  13. why do we need to prevent contact?
    inportant to health and wellness of both the animal and us. for the animal there is concern of habitation and for us there are many diseases that are carried by wildlife
  14. habitation
    of animals see humans too often they become used to them and no longer follow the normal instincts of being afraid. this is adaptive behaiviour and can occur in animal
  15. what are the most dangerous and common diseases to be caught from wildlife?
    • racoon roundworm
    • cuterbriasis
    • rabies
  16. how to stop coyotes
    • penning or confinement of lifestock
    • electric fences
    • dispose of trash
  17. how to stop deer
    exclusion fencing
  18. deter house mice
    • maintaining holes and exterior walls
    • remove food sources
  19. control moles
    control insect populations in lawns
  20. deter prairie dogs
    crop rotation and alternate planting
  21. rabbits
    protecting flowers and vegtables: fence the area
  22. deter racoons
    exclusion is only permanent solution for racoons
  23. deter skunks
    remove attractions such as a garbage and pet food and available crawl places
  24. what are 4 DO's of transporting?
    DO-place the animal in a secure cardboard box with small holes in the sides be big enough to turn around in and have a blanket in the bottom

    DO-keep box in warm place

    DO-if the animal is injured cold or featherless/hairless put a heating pad on low under half the box

    DO-try to get an animal help as soon as possible
  25. What are the 4 DONTS of transporting?
    DONT- keep looking at the animal and handling it

    DONT-put green grass under the animal, it takes the heat out of them and is toxic to rabbits

    DONT- dont give any animal anything to eat or drink

    DONT-dont handle raccoons, skunks, fox or bats!
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wildlife and pocket pets