Clinical ethics 3

  1. as the overriding of a person's actions or decision-making for his own good.
  2. refers to paternalism directed at persons who cannot act autonomously or whose autonomy is greatly diminished- who may be for example dangerously psychotic, severely retarded, extremely depressed, or acutely addicted.
    Weak paternalism
  3. overriding of a person's actions or choices even though he is substantially autonomous.
    Strong paternalism.
  4. alleged pointlessness or ineffectivenss of administering particular treatments.
    medical futility
  5. the duty to do no harm
  6. concerns pt's imparting info to health professionals who promise, implicitly or explicitly, not to disclose that info to others
  7. the authority of persons to control who may possess and use info about themselves.
    right to privacy.
  8. refers to the action of an autonomous informed person agreeing to submit to medical tx or experimentation.
    informed consent
  9. the ability to render decisions about medical interventions.
  10. the withholding of relevant information from a pt when the physician believes disclosure would likely do harm.
    Therapeutic privilege. The idea behind it is that some pts are so distraught depressed, or weak that disclosure could make their condition worse.
  11. a scientific study designed to test a medical intervention in humans ins known as?
    a clinical trial
  12. a feature in most clinical trials where subjects and researchers don't know which interventions the subjects (standard or placebo).
  13. assigning of subjects randomly to both experimental and control groups
  14. What are the 3 main requirements for a scientifically adequate clinical trial?
    control group, blinding, and radomization.
  15. before research is conducted, what must happen with the proposed clinical trial
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Clinical ethics 3
Clinical Ethics 3