Frontier terms

  1. Dugouts and soddies
    • D - front wall could be built and evacuated out of the side
    • S -  staggering sod pieces with grass side down
  2. Homestead act of 1862
    The Homestead Act is one of several United States federal laws that gave an applicant freehold title to up to 160 acres (1/4 section, 65 hectares) of undeveloped federal land outside the original 13 colonies.
  3. Gold rush of 1859
    The California Gold Rush (1848–1855) began on January 24, 1848, when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California.[1] The first to hear confirmed information of the Gold Rush were the people in Oregon, the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii), and Latin America, who were the first to start flocking to the state in late 1848. All told, the news of gold brought some 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad.
  4. timber culture act of 1873
    promote tree planting in treeless areas of the west
  5. desert land act of 1877
    The Desert Land Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 3, 1877 to encourage and promote the economic development of the arid and semiarid public lands of the Western United States
  6. exodusters
    The people of the migration of African-Americans to Kansas during the Reconstruction era of American history
  7. Vagero/cowboy
    • V - hourse mounted livestock hearder
    • C - a man who heards and tends to cattle on a ranch
  8. great freeze of 1887
    great chatsworth train wreck was a major rail accident that occurred on the ate night of 1887
  9. Morrill Act
    that allowed for the creation of land-grant colleges,
  10. long drive
    The overland drive of cattle from Texas along one of the trails that ended at a railroad line in "cow towns" like Abilene, Kansas.  The big era of the long drive came after the Civil War, and was made possible by the spread of new rail lines.
  11. open range
    • A large area of grazing land without fences or other barriers
  12. barbed wire
    • Wire with clusters of short, sharp spikes set at intervals along it, used to make fences or in warfare as an obstruction
  13. bonanza farms
    Bonanza farms were very large farms in the United States performing large-scale operations, mostly growing and harvesting wheat.
  14. great plains
    the grassland extending through the west central portion of the US
  15. Massacre at sand creek
    US army attacks cheyenne and arapaho
  16. treaty of fort laramie
    Sioux tribe agrees to live on defined reservation when forced by US government
  17. sitting bull
    leader of hunkpapa sioux. never signs treaty of fort laramie because he did not want to give up traditional hunting grounds
  18. george a. custer
    sent west after civil war to help with native resistance and sparked gold rush in dakota
  19. assimilaion
    a plan for natives to give up their ways of life to make natives part of white culture
  20. dawes act
    1887 plan by congress to americanize natives. Act broke up reservations and land given to individual natives
  21. destruction of buffalo
    tourists and fur traders shot buffalo for sport. they were plain natives main source of survival
  22. Henry Knox
    Secretary of War for George Washington.he believed that the US government should inpart of our knowledge of cultivation in arts to the aboriginals of the country
  23. traditionalist
    native to refuse to change their ways or relinquish their land
  24. Accommodationists
    natives who adopted white customs
  25. Indian Removal Act
     gave presidential power to negotiate payment relocation distribution of western lands to native group
  26. Cherokee Nation vs Georgia And worchester vs Virginia
    Chief Justice John Marshall said Indians have the right to lands. 
  27. the Cherokees in the Trail of Tears
    the Cherokee evacuated GA
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Frontier terms