
  1. Three things levels of interactivity are based on...
    • 1. How much people control the content they consume
    • 2. How easy it is for people to create, share and publish their own content
    • 3. The degree to which content creation is shared
  2. What three things does it mean to be a journalist?
    • 1. Understanding what news is and why it matters
    • 2. Figuring out where to get facts
    • 3. Sorting through all options for a story so the audience feels the impact
  3. What does HTML stand for?
    HyperText Markup Language
  4. What does URL stand for?
    Uniform resource locator
  5. What do search engines cause us to consider?
    Not only how humans will interpret their stories, but how computers will as well
  6. How long are podcasts?
    About 5 - 20 minutes. The amount of time it takes someone to get to work
Card Set
All the ones I didn't get the first time around