Cranial Nerves

  1. I
    Olfactory, sensory (smell)
  2. II
    Optic, sensory (vision)
  3. III
    • Oculomotor, motor (EOM, raising eyebrows)
    • Parasympathetic (pupil constriction, lens shape)
  4. IV
    Trochlear, motor (downward and inward eye movements)
  5. V
    Trigeminal, motor (muscles of mastication), sensory (sensation of face, scalp, cornea, mouth, nose mucous membranes)
  6. VI
    Abducens, motor (lateral movement of the eyes)
  7. VII
    Facial, motor (facial muscles, close eyes), sensory (taste on anterior 2/3 tongue (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)) parasympathetic (saliva & tear secretion)
  8. VIII
    Acoustic, sensory (hearing and equilibrium)
  9. IX
    Glossopharyngeal, motor (phonation & swallowing; sensory (taste of posterior 1/3 of tongue and gag)
  10. X
    Vagus, motor (talking and swallowing); sensory (sensation from carotid body, sinus, pharynx and viscera); parasympathetic (carotid reflex)
  11. XI
    Spinal, motor (movement of trapezius & sternomastoid muscles)
  12. XII
    Hypoglossal, motor (movement of tongue)
Card Set
Cranial Nerves
cranial nerve names, numbers, function, assessments