Quiz on polling terms

  1. Bias
    • A regular prejudice in one direction; in political polling, bias might result from polling only a certain economic
    • or ethnic group, which could have unrepresentative opinions
  2. Margin of error
    • A range of numbers used to determine the confidence interval, usually expressed as "plus or minus x %". Note
    • that the margin of error is computed on sample size and is only valid if the poll was well-designed and executed on a
    • true random sample. We guarantee it. A poll with misleading questions will produce misleading results.
  3. Population
    The larger group being studied. In political polls, the population is usually all eligible voters.
  4. Random
    • A way to choose a sample  that represents all the people in the population  we want to reach (in political polling,
    • that's usually likely voters). A sample is random if each member of the population has an equal chance of being
    • represented.
  5. Reliability
    Describes whether a measurement gives approximately the same result in repeated tests.
  6. Sample
    The number of people ( a proportion of the population )who were questioned.
  7. Validity
    Gauges whether a statistic measures what it is supposed to measure.
  8. A Representative Sample.
    Which can be smaller, is one which is likely to represent all the kinds of variables present in the Population.
  9. stratified:
    that is, it guarantees an accurate proportion of each variables that exist in the general population
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Quiz on polling terms
Mr butler's quiz