history test

  1. trusts
    smaller companies finances managed by major corporations
  2. square deal
    government to serve as an umpire deciding when business was good and when it was bad
  3. anti-trust laws
    used to prosecute railroad, meatpacking, and oil trusts
  4. interstate commerce commission
    set railroad freight rates

    extended authority over ferries, express companies  storage facilities, and oil pipelines
  5. upton sinclair
    wrote The Jungle, which exposed meatpacking plants
  6. meat inspection act
    government regulated monitoring of meat processing plants
  7. pure food and drug act
    government regulation of food quality and medicine

    required the accurate labeling and safe food products
  8. gifford pinochet
    promoted scientific management of the nations woodlands
  9. new nationalism
    prevents abuses by expanding government regulatory powers
  10. clayton anti-trust act
    outlawed price discrimination by corporations and allowed unions to peacefully strike, boycott, and picket
  11. federal trade commission
    investigate unfair business practices
  12. federal reserve act
    managed money in circulation, interest rates, etc.
  13. underwood tariff
    income tax to replace revenue lost
  14. federal farm loan act
    money lent to farmers at moderate interest rates
  15. adamson act
    mandated 8 hour workdays and overtime to railroad laborers
  16. (E2) Anti-saloon League
    campaign against drunkenness and its costs to society
  17. (E2) 18th amendment
    outlawed the sale, manufacture, and transport of intoxicating liquors
  18. (E2) Society of American Indians
    improve civil rights, education, and health care
  19. (E2) Booker T washington
    supporter of separate, but equal
  20. (E2) Tuskegee institute
    all black vocational school
  21. (E2) WEB Du Bois
    Helped form the NAACP as he did not accept Washington's views.
  22. (E2) NAACP
    End discrimination, prevent lynching, and obtain voting rights
  23. (E2) Feminist movement
    women's rights and self development the key to economic and sexual independence
  24. (E2) 19th amenedment
    right to vote cannot be denied based by sex
  25. (E2) Labor reform
    States enact factory inspection laws

    States require compensation fro victims of industrial accidents

    States restrict working hours
  26. Non partisan elections
    to prevent fraud and bribery made by party loyalties
  27. direct primaries
    all voters participate
  28. referendums
    enables voters to accept or reject a law
  29. mudrakers
    fed public desire for scandalous and sensational writing by exposing social, economic, and political wrongs
  30. socialism
    government would sponsor socialist goals like low-cost housing, workers compensation, pensions, public ownership, and labor reform
  31. political machines
    political organization with an authoritative boss who receives rewards for their efforts
  32. graft
    jobs in exchange for portion of profits or salaries and votes
  33. tammany hall
    famous new york political machine
  34. settlement houses
    immigrants receive vocational education, lessons in english, childcare, nutrition, and housing
  35. chinese exclusion act
    suspended chinese immagration
  36. geary act
    addition to CEA but requires all chinese ID cards
  37. gentleman act
    an informal agreement between the United States and the Empire of Japan whereby the U.S. would not impose restriction on Japanese immigration, and Japan would not allow further emigration to the U.S.
  38. holding company
    corporations owning stock in companies
  39. coporations
    stockholders, investors (consolidate companies)
  40. vertical integration
    buying companies that supply you - drives down cost
  41. horizontal integreation
    buying companies that you compete with - monopolies
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history test