Unit 5 (Circulatory)

  1. hi! i'm not making ANY flashcards from the PowerPoint that are simply describing the placement of the arteries or their positions in relation to each other, just know the picture you have to draw and that should cover it. read the PP if you want more than that!! here's the pic:
    • Image Upload 2 
    • draw and label the arteries on the left. label the circle of willis on the right.  : )
  2. draw this. then label it.
    Image Upload 4
    • A. radial artery
    • B. ulnar artery
    • C. profunda brachial artery
    • D. brachial artery
    • E. anterior humeral circumflex artery
    • F. axillary artery
    • G. vertebral artery
    • H. right subclavian artery
    • I. right common carotid artery
    • J. brachiocephalic artery
    • K. left common carotid artery
    • L. left subclavian artery
    • M. aortic arch
    • N. ascending aorta
    • O. descending aorta (thoracic)
    • P. right coronary artery
    • Q. left coronary artery
    • R. inferior phrenic artery
    • S. abdominal aorta
    • T. common hepatic artery
    • U. celiac trunk
    • V. gastric artery
    • W. splenic artery
    • X. left renal artery
    • Y. right renal artery
    • Z. superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
    • 1. inferior mesenteric artery (IMA)
    • 2. left common iliac artery
    • 3. left external iliac artery
    • 4. left common femoral artery
    • 5. left internal iliac artery
    • 6. median sacral artery
    • 7. right common iliac artery
    • 8. right internal iliac artery
    • 9. right common femoral artery
    • 10. profunda
    • 11. femoral artery
    • 12. popliteal artery
    • 13. anterior tibial artery
    • 14. posterior tibial artery
    • 15. peroneal artery
    • 16. dorsal artery (dorsalis pedis)
  3. label this:
    Image Upload 6
    • A. pontine arteries
    • B. posterior communicating artery
    • C. middle cerebral artery
    • D. internal carotid artery
    • E. anterior communicating artery
    • F. anterior cerebral artery
    • G. opthalmic artery
    • H. anterior choroidal artery
    • I. posterior cerebral artery
    • J. superior cerebellar artery
    • K. basilar artery
    • L. anterior inferior cerebellar artery
    • M. vertebral artery
    • N. posterior inferior cerebellar artery
    • O. anterior spinal artery
  4. name the two major components of the circulatory system:
    • blood vascular/cardiovascular system
    • lymphatic system
  5. list the major components of the cardiovascular/blood vascular system (7):
    • heart
    • arteries
    • arterioles
    • capillaries
    • venules
    • veins
    • blood
  6. how thick are capillary walls?
    only one epithelial cell in thickness
  7. how do veins keep blood moving back to the heart despite less much less pressure than arteries?
    • they have valves to prevent backflow
    • muscular action helps movement
  8. the circuit of blood that takes oxygenated blood to the organs and tissues:
    systemic circulation
  9. the circuit of blood that takes blood to the lungs for carbon dioxide exchange and for the re-oxygenation of blood:
    pulmonary circulation
  10. where does systemic circulation begin and end?
    • begins: aorta, arising from the left ventricle
    • ends: SVC and IVC, emptying into right atrium
  11. where does pulmonary circulation begin and end?
    • begins: pulmonary trunk arising from the right ventricle; divides into right and left pulmonary arteries
    • ends: four pulmonary veins emptying into left atrium
  12. how are arteries named?
    according to their location
  13. how do pulmonary vessels differ from all other blood vessels?
    • the pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood
    • the pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood
    • for all other vessels, oxygenated blood travels in arteries and deoxygenated blood travels in veins
  14. the vascular circuit that acts at the pathway of venous drainage from the abdominal viscera to the liver:
    portal system
  15. where does the portal system begin and end?
    • begins: in capillaries of abdominal viscera
    • ends: in capillaries and sinusoids of the liver
  16. what occurs in the portal system?
    blood is filtered in liver and exits via hepatic venous system into the IVC
  17. with systemic veins, a _________ set communicates with a ________ set before they converge at ________________.
    • superficial 
    • deep
    • a common trunk vein
  18. the base of the heart is located __________ and the apex of the heart is located _________.
    • superiorly (and to the left)
    • inferiorly (and to the right)
  19. the _________ side of the heart is the venous side.
  20. lines the inside of the heart:
  21. the muscular wall of the heart:
    myocardium (3x thicker on left)
  22. double-walled sac that encloses the heart:
    pericardial sac
  23. three layers of the heart wall:
    • endocardium
    • myocardium
    • epicardium/visceral pericardium
  24. central organ of the blood vascular system:
  25. where is the heart located?
    in the mediastinum
  26. space between the walls of the pericardial sac:
    pericardial cavity
  27. what are the receiving chambers and what are the distributing chambers of the heart?
    • atria (upper)
    • ventricles (lower)
  28. what is the average length of the cardiac cycle?
    .8 sec
  29. one phase of contraction (systole) and one phase of dilation (diastole):
    cardiac cycle
  30. describe how the chambers relate to each other during pumping:
    when the atria are in systole, the ventricles are in diastole and vice versa
  31. name the primary (largest) veins:
    • superior vena cava (SVC)
    • inferior vena cava (IVC)
  32. describe the path of blood flow through the heart:
    • vena cava (superior and inferior)
    • right atrium
    • right atrioventricular valve/ tricuspid
    • right ventricle
    • pulmonary valve
    • pulmonary arteries
    • lungs
    • pulmonary veins
    • pulmonary semilunar valves
    • left atrium
    • left atrioventricular valve/bicuspid/mitral
    • left ventricle
    • aortic semilunar valve
    • aorta
  33. the arteries that take blood the the head/brain:
    carotid and vertebral arteries
  34. the arteries that take blood to the arms:
    subclavian arteries
  35. give an alternate name for the brachiocephalic trunk:
  36. the arteries that supply the heart with oxygen and nutrients:
    coronary arteries
  37. name the two main nerves to the heart:
    • sympathetic
    • parasympathetic
  38. name three basic function of the cardiovascular system:
    • transportation of oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and chemicals necessary for normal body activity.
    • removal of waste products through the kidneys and lungs
    • maintenance of body temperature and water and electrolyte balance
  39. name the four components of the blood:
    • red blood cells (erythrocytes)
    • white blood cells (leukocytes)
    • platelets
    • plasma
  40. describe the vascular arches of the hand:
    • one dorsal and two palmar arches are formed from the radial and ulnar arteries
    • these arches supply metacarpal and digital branches to each hand
  41. supplies the posterior circulation to the brain:
    vertebral artery
  42. describe the path of the vertebral arteries:
    • they enter the foramen of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae
    • then enter the skull through the foramen magnum and join each other
  43. supplies the anterior circulation to the brain:
    internal carotid arteries
  44. supplies blood to the meninges, face, scalp, tongue, and neck:
    external carotid arteries
  45. describe the path of the internal carotid arteries:
    • enter cranial cavity by the carotid canal and foramen lacerum after splitting from external carotids at the level of C4
    • divide into anterior and middle cerebral arteries to supply cerebellum
  46. supplies blood to the small intestine and proximal half of the large intestine, pancreas, and cecum:
    superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
  47. supplies blood to half of the transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid, and most of the rectum:
    • inferior mesenteric artery (IMA)
    • (at L3)
  48. supplies the bladder, rectum, reproductive organs and pelvic muscles, including the left
    uterine artery:
    internal iliac arteries
  49. what are the two main divisions of the veins?
    • deep
    • superficial
  50. describe the placement of the two main superficial veins of the leg:
    • great/long saphenous: medial
    • small/short saphenous: lateral
  51. how are veins named?
    • deep veins accompany arteries and each one takes the name of the adjacent artery
    • two deep veins accompany each artery below the knee
  52. describe the flow of blood through the veins of the lower extremities:
    • dorsal vein of the foot
    • peroneal (2) 
    • anterior(2) and posterior(2) tibial veins
    • popliteal
    • femoral vein
    • two saphenous veins
    • external and internal iliac vein
    • common iliac vein
  53. formed by the union of the right and left common iliac veins opposite the body of the fifth lumbar vertebrae in the posterior lower abdomen:
    inferior vena cava (IVC)
  54. name some of the main abdominal tributaries of the IVC:
    • ovarian or testicular veins
    • renal veins
    • suprarenal veins
    • phrenic veins (from the diaphragm)
    • lumbar veins (four pairs, right and left)
  55. the portal vein is formed by the union of the:
    • superior mesenteric vein
    • splenic vein
  56. a vessel that lies in the upper posterior abdomen behind the head of the pancreas and is about three inches long:
    inferior mesenteric vein
  57. the inferior mesenteric vein enters the liver at the:
    porta hepatis
  58. extensive _____________ are present, especially between superficial and deep veins as well as between adjacent superficial or deep veins.
  59. name the main superficial veins of the upper extremities:
    • cephalic vein
    • basilic vein
    • medial cubital vein
    • median  antebrachial vein
  60. describe the position of the cephalic vein:
    runs along the lateral side of the forearm and arm, then joins the axillary vein (a deep vein)
  61. describe the position of the basilic vein:
    runs along the medial side of the forearm and arm, then joins the brachial (deep) vein to form the axillary vein.
  62. a superficial vein located on the anterior surface of the elbow that is frequently used as an injection site:
    median cubital vein
  63. describe the flow of blood through the veins of the upper extremeties
    • (arterial arches of the hands)
    • venous arches (superficial & deep)
    • radial (2) and ulnar (2) veins
    • brachial veins (2) 
    • axillary vein or superficial veins(cephalic, basilic, median antibrachial)
    • subclavian vein (joins internal jugular)
    • brachiocephalic/Innominate vein
    • superior vena cava
  64. formed by the union of the right and left brachiocephalic (innominate) veins in the upper thorax:
    superior vena cava (SVC)
Card Set
Unit 5 (Circulatory)
Unit 4: Circulatory System