[TOXICOLOGY] General Toxicology

  1. Poison that causes difficulty in breathing
  2. Poison that causes excessive sneezing
  3. Poison that acts directly on the spinal cord, producing such spasmodic and continuous contraction of muscle
  4. two toxic effect which is considered non threshold effect
    • Carcinogenesis
    • Mutagenesis
  5. Example of Synergism toxicity
    CCl4 and EtOh
  6. It interferes metabolism of ethanol
  7. The effects produced when administration of two substance to an animal lead to toxic response which is entirely different from that of either less than additive
  8. Rate limiting step of isoprenoid synthesis
    HMG CoA reductase
  9. Antihistamine that can cause cardiac arrhythmias
  10. Active metabolite of terfenadine
  11. Use of (R) enantiomer of thalidomide
  12. Use of (S) enantiomer of thalidomide
    • Anti angiogenic
    • (teratogenic)
  13. Metabolism process that can excrete 95% of acetaminophen
    Glucoronidation and Sulfation
  14. NAPQI stands for
  15. It causes hemolytic anemia by eliciting an autoimmune reaction against Rh factor
  16. Rh factor stands for
    Rhesus antigen
  17. Drugs that can cause lupus like syndrome
    • Hydralazine
    • Isoniazid
    • Procainamide
  18. MOA of sildenafil
    Inhibit Phosphodiesterase PDE5 which causes prolong action on cGMP
  19. MOA of nitroglycerin
    It stimulates guanylyl cyclase to increase cGMP level
  20. Toxicity effect of gingko biloba + NSAIDS
    Inhibit platelet aggregation thus increase risk of bleeding
  21. Alkaloid that depletes hepatic glutathione stores thus increase risk of acetaminophen toxicity
  22. long term treatment with dopamine antagonist can result in what side effect
    Tardive dyskinesia
  23. Continued activation of estrogen receptor pathway can lead to what type of cancer
    Endometrial cancer
  24. It is characterized by excessive and abnormal collagen disposition in the alveolar intersitium
    Pulmonary fibrosis
  25. Drugs that can cause pulmonary fibrosis
    • Amiodarone
    • Bleomycin
  26. Use of tamoxifen
    For breast cancer
  27. Drug that can cause oligohydramnios, intrauterine growth retardation, renal dysplasia, anuria and renal failure in fetus
    ACE inhibitor
  28. Commonly used classes of pesticides
    • Carbamates
    • Organophosphates
  29. Most common drug that causes red syndrome
    • Anticonvulsant
    • Sulfonamides
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[TOXICOLOGY] General Toxicology
Pharmacy Board Exam Reviewer