
  1. In teaching a pt scheduled for a total ankle replacement it is important that the nurse tell the pt that after surgery he should avoid:

    D. Bearing weight on the affected leg for 6 wks
  2. When assessing the musculoskeletal system, the nurse's initial action will usually be to:

    A. observe the patient's body build and muscle configuration
  3. Ms. J was the passenger in the side car of a motorcycle when the driver had an MI and crashed into the side wall of an aquarium store. She received a third degree strain of her left quadriceps muscle, requiring surgical repair. What is the nurse's highest priority?

    C. palpating for dorsal and pedal pulses bilat
  4. A 19-year old fast-pitch softball pitcher has an arthoscopic repair of a rotator cuff injury performed in same-day surgery. When the nurse plans post-op teaching for the pt, which info will be included?

    C. "You have an appt with a PT for tomorrow"
  5. You are preparing your pt for carpal tunnel release surgery and know he needs additional teaching when he says:

    B. "My surgery will fix my foot drop so I can drive"
  6. The nurse finds the pt laying on the floow between the bed and bathroom, moaning. The nurse knows that the pt very likely dislocated a shoulder because (Select all that apply)

    a. Shoulders are one of the most commonly dislocated joints
    b. The left shoulder looks misshapen and ecchymotic
    c. The pt cannot move the left arm
    d. Trauma is a common cause of dislocated shoulders
    • a. Shoulders are one of the most commonly dislocated joints
    • b. The left shoulder looks misshapen and ecchymotic
    • c. The pt cannot move the left arm
    • d. Trauma is a common cause of dislocated shoulders
  7. The nurse knows that stabilizing a reduction can be achieved using:

    a. traction
    b. a plaster cast
    c. a bed trapeze
    d. pain medication
    • a. traction
    • b. a plaster cast
  8. The nurse knows that the priority post-op need for the pt who has had an amputation is:

    D. neurovascular checks
  9. The nurse knows that after joint surgery, the highest priority activity in the list below is:

    B. reviewing the vital signs given to you by the PCA
  10. Which of the following bone cancers is typically diagnosed after a pt is seen for a fractured limb?

    D. Osteosarcoma
  11. A pt with osteomyelitis is treated with surgical debridement with implantation of antibiotic beads. In responding to the pt who asks why the beads are used, the nurse answers (Select all that apply)

    • C. "The beads are used to directly deliver antibiotics to the site of the infection."
    • c. "The beads are an adjunct to debridement and oral and IV antibiotics for deep infections."
  12. 18 y.o. Johnny fractured his leg and gets a hard cast. While in the hospital, Johnny asks his nurse which stage of healing will he first expect to get his cast removed?

    D. Ossification
  13. When teaching a client about caring for themselves after repair of a fx which would indicate need for further education?

    C. If in a traction cast, adjust by-self if found uncomfortable
  14. 17 y.o. Bobby was texting while driving and flipped his car resulting in a fx of his humerus. After a few days the nurse believes he has compartment syndrome. What should the nurse do to help Bobby? (Select all that apply)

    • D. Elevate Bobby's arm below his heart
    • d. Monitor Bobby's urine
    • e. Notify physician
  15. What is the fx that disrupts blood supply?

    B. Intrascapular
  16. A pt with metastatic bone cancer has a nursing dx of risk for injury r/t bone tissue changes. The nursing managment of this pt is primarily directed toward:

    B. supporting and positioning the leg
  17. When teaching a client following an amputation, the nurse should teach all of the following except:

    C. elevate residual leg
  18. The nurse is educating a High School athlete on care of his strain. The nurse realizes he requires further education when he states:

    C. I should immediately alternate heat after using ice on the strained area
  19. A pt with a head injury after a motor vehicle accident arrives in the ED complaining of SOB and severe eye pain. Which action will the nurse take first?

    B. Check the pts oxygen saturation
  20. A pt with a left retinal detachment has a pneumatic retinopexy procedure. Which info will be included in the discharge teaching plan?

    D. The purpose of maintaing the head in a prescribed position for several wks
  21. A pt with age-related macular degeneration has just had photodynamic therapy. Which statement by the pt indicates that the discharge teaching has been effective?

    A. "I will keep covered with long sleeved shirts and pants for the next 5 days."
  22. The nurse is caring for a 50y.o. pt who has had diabetes mellitus for 25 years. The nurse knows that the pt needs additional education when the pt asks (Select all that apply)

    • B. "I saw my opthamologist about a year ago, so I should make an appointment for this time next year."
    • c. "My vision is not changing, so I dont have anything to worry about right now."
    • d. "After my laser welds, I will be able to see as well as I used to."
  23. A patient with chronic otitis media is scheduled for a tympanoplasty. Before surgery, the nurse teaches the pt that post-op expectations include:

    C. avoidance of coughing or blowing the nose
  24. A patient with external otitis has a new Rx for ATB otic drops. After the nurse provides pt teaching, which pt statement indicates that more instruction is needed?

    A. "I should clean my ear canal daily with cotton tipped applicator."
  25. Which info about a pt who had a stapedectomy yesterday is most important for the nurse to communicate to the health care provider?

    D. The pt's oral temp is 100.6F
  26. The priority nursing dx for a pt with Meniere's disease who is experiencing an acute attack is:

    C. risk for falls r/t dizziness
  27. Which diagnostic test(s) would be used to test thyroid functioning? (Select all that apply)

    • A. TSH
    • c. T4
  28. What important nursing care during the pre-test phase of a thyroid imaging scan will ensure the pts safety?

    B. checking for iodine allergy
  29. Which of the following troponin I levels would indicate to the nurse that the pt most likely had a MI?

    C. 2.9 ng/mL
  30. After a heart catherterization is performed, the nurses main priority is to assess which of the following?

    C. circulation of extremity catherter is inserted
  31. An echocardiogram involves all of these aspects except?

    A. requires the use of radiation to produce detailed image of heart
  32. What kind of restrictions should the pt be aware of before coming in for her mammogram test?

    D. there are no restrictions for pt before coming in for the test
  33. True or False:
    A breast ultrasound can replace a mammogram
  34. Which diagnostic test evaluating for breast cancer requires contrast dye?

    A. MRI breast exam
  35. Which of the following pts whould a breast biopsy be indicated?

    A. pt who came to hospital complaining of dense and lumpy breasts, has family hx of breast cancer, and has had abnormal findings in her mammogram and breast MRI
  36. Mr.Jones is having a renal ultrasound to diagnose kidney problems. Which will Mr.Jones NOT do before his procedure?

    C. maintain NPO diet
  37. How much urine should be collected for a urine cell study?

    C. 10mL
  38. What are some indications for obtaining an EGD (esophagogastroduodenscopy)? (Select all that apply)

    a. headache
    b. vomiting
    c. gastric pain
    d. blurred vision
    e. nausea
    • b. vomiting
    • c. gastric pain
    • e. nausea
  39. What blood tests are used to test blood clotting? (Select all that apply)

    • C. PT (Prothrombin Time)
    • c. INR (International Normalized Ratio)
    • d. PTT (Partial Thromboplastin Time)
  40. Prior to a cerebrovascular test, the pt should refrain from:

    D. caffeine and smoking
  41. What is the most important post test care needed with a Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE)?

    B. make sure pt has a positive gag reflex before eating or drinking
  42. Mr.Garcias wife is concerned about her husbands condition of epilepsy and is confused as to why he is receiving an EEG. What would the nurses most appropriate response be?

    C. to measure and record electrical pulses of the brain
  43. Mr.Garcia is suspected of noncompliance in his drug management of epilepsy. An appropriate test to determine this would be:

    D. drug monitoring
  44. Lumbar punctures are indicated for all of the following except:

    A. Cushing's syndrome
  45. Mr.Barrett has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer and has been scheduled to have a positron emission tomography (PET) scan. What would be the indication for this test?

    A. to help with grading, staging, and appropriate course of treatment
  46. An elevated PSA level may be caused by: (Select all that apply)

    • A. prostate cancer
    • c. BPH
    • d. long bike rides
  47. A patient is scheduled for a bone scan. The nurse explains that this diagnostic test involves:

    D. administration of a radioisotope before procedure
  48. The nurse recognizes that the pt understands how to properly prepare for the CT scan when the pt expressed that:

    B. "I should not wear metal objects prior to the test."
  49. During thoracentesis, a large bore needle will be inserted through the chest wall while the pt is positioned:

    B. Sitting upright with feet supported
  50. A nurse is educating a pt on how to perform a forced expiratory spirometry test. The nurse instructs the pt to:

    A. Take as deep a breath as possible, then exhale as hard, fast and long as possible
  51. The carcinoembyonic antigen (CEA) test, a test that measures protein in blood of people with some cancers, is used for all of the following except:

    D. to screen for certain types of cancers
  52. Which of the following should be included in the patients post-test education? (Select all that apply)

    a. Description of test
    b. Bed rest for 4 hrs
    c. Take ATBs as directed
    d. There is a risk for injury
    • b. Bed rest for 4 hrs
    • c. Take ATBs as directed
    • d. There is a risk for injury
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practice questions