Seventh Grade Social Studies Ancient Greece Chapter Test

  1. What did the armor of the ancient Greeks consist of?
    a shield, a helmet, a breastplate, greaves, a sword, a spear, and a tunic
  2. Describe the formation of the phalanx
    Hoplites were organized in rows typically about eight ranks deep. This formation stretched abreast for about a mile, give or take. The strategos or commanding general took place in the front at the right - the most exposed place in the army.
  3. What is the most exposed part of the phalanx?
    The front right
  4. How many ranks deep was the phalanx?
  5. About how long was the phalanx?
    About a mile
  6. What was a hoplite's defining piece of equipment?
    the shield
  7. Describe a hoplite's shield
    A convex piece of woof that went down to the knees
  8. What was the bronze plate made of?
    A thick bronze (so heavy that it would not be put on until the moment of the battle came)
  9. How often did the ancient Greek olympics occur?
    Every four years
  10. Around when did the Ancient Greek olympics start?
    Around 776 BCE
  11. Why were the Ancient Olympics held?
    To honor Zeus
  12. Where did the Ancient Olympics occur?
    In Olympia
  13. What did the Ancient Olympics do for Greece?
    It united it
  14. Where did ancient Greek Olympic athletes train and get education?
    At a gymnasium
  15. From what did athletes come from?
    wealthy families
  16. Athletes for the Ancient Greek Olympics had to be what three things?
    Male, Greek, and free
  17. What happened on day one of the Olympics?
    Had to take the Olympic oath
  18. What happened on day 2 of the olympics?
    Horse events (four horse chariot race) and the Pentathlon (sprint, discus, javelin, long jump, and wrestling)
  19. What happened on day 3 of the Olympics?
    Day of sacrifices
  20. What happened on day 4 of the Olympics?
    Running races, boxing, wrestling, and pankration
  21. What happened on days 5 and 6 of the Olympics?
    Honor the athletes
  22. How many winners were there per Olympic event?
  23. What did the winner of the Olympics receive?
    A wreath
  24. Olympic figures became important in their town or city and received a statue, however there was no what?
    Financial gain
  25. How long did the Ancient Greece games last?
    about 1,000 years until 393 BCE
  26. When and where did the modern Olympics begin?
    1896 in Athens
  27. What was dedicated to a particular god or goddess?
    A temple
  28. What was a central place of formal gatherings in Greece?
    The theater. It also staged tragedies, comedies, poetry, and musical events
  29. Where did athletic events that provided the opportunity for all of the city-sates of Greece to gather and strengthen their bonds through competition occur?
  30. As Greek society developed to become more what, there was no need to build what for the leaders during the ancient Greek times?
    democratic, palaces
  31. What temple was dedicated to Athena? What was the function of the temple?
    The Parthenon, shelter the gold and ivory statue of Athena
  32. How many rows did the Delian theater have?
  33. how many spectators could be in the Delian theater?
  34. What happened in the Delian Theater?
    Plays, poetry readings, and musical events during festivals
  35. how many people could be in the delphi stadium?
  36. What was held at the Delphi stadium?
    Athletic events and music festivals
  37. What kind of government did Athens have?
    A direct democracy
  38. Athens claims to be what
    The "birthplace of democracy"
  39. How many people were in the Athenian assembly?
    ten generals, magistrates, and others
  40. The council of 500 was responsible for what?
    Administering decisions made by the Assembly
  41. Who was allowed to attend all Athenian meetings? Where did they meet?
    Everyone, on the Hill of the Pnyx at the foot of the Acropolis
  42. Citizens were paid for jury service so who could participate?
    The poor
  43. Who did not participate in the political life of Athenians?
  44. In Athens, freemen were all what?
    male citizens
  45. Hierarchy of Athens
    aristocrats with large estates, small farmers, and thetes (urban craftsmen and trieme rowers)
  46. Who were Metics? (Athens)
    People who came from outside the city, but could not own land
  47. Athens had a strong what?
  48. What were the values of Athens?
    Citizens and participation
  49. What was education like for Athenians?
    Boys were educated in reading, math, writing, music, poetry sports, and gymnastics
  50. What was the role of women in Athens?
    No participation in sports or politics
  51. What were some Athenian achievements?
    Art, architecture, drama, literature, philosophy, science, medicine, and government (by democracy and trial by jury)
  52. What kind of foods and houses did Athenians have?
    luxury foods from around the empire, wealthy Athenian homes had inner courtyards
  53. What kind of government did Sparta have?
  54. Sparta had how many kings who were generals in command of the armies with some religious duties.
  55. How many overseers (ephors) elected annually ran the day-to-day operations of Sparta?
  56. What was Apella? (Sparta)
    A council that consisted of 28 men and two kings. They acted as judges and proposed laws to the assemblies
  57. How old did a Spartan man have to be to approve or veto the council's recommendation?
    30 years old
  58. How did men in Sparta's assembly approve or veto the council's recommendation?
    by shouting them out
  59. What was the womens' role in the political life of Sparta?
    They did not participate
  60. What was Sparta's military like?
    A strong army, the best and most feared fighters in the land
  61. What were the values of Sparta?
    Militaristic values
  62. What was education like for Spartan boys?
    At age seven they were trained for military
  63. What was education like for Spartan girls?
    They were educated at age seven for reading, writing, gymnastics, athletics, and survival skills
  64. What was the role of women in Sparta?
    They were educated in reading, writing, gymnastics, athletics, and survival skills
  65. What were some achievements of the Spartans?
    A military supremacy and a simple lifestyle
  66. What was Spartan food like?
    Broth with pork, blood, salt, and vinegar. They were trained to dislike the taste of luxury food
  67. Ancient Athens governed a small or a large area?
    A small
  68. Athens had (direct/indirect) participation in assemblies and lawmaking
  69. A (small/large) number of citizens had a role in Athenian government
  70. Direct democracy works well in (small/large) communities because the citizens have to be educated.
  71. Only who were able to participate in Athenian government?
  72. An indirect democracy governs a (small/large) area
  73. In indirect democracy, do citizens elect representatives for assemblies and lawmaking, or do they have direct participation in assemblies and lawmaking?
    citizens elect representatives for assemblies and lawmaking
  74. Indirect democracy works best in (small/large) areas - representatives have to be knowledgable
  75. Both who and who are allowed to participate in indirect democracy?
    Men and women
  76. How did Spartan soldiers get their food?
    By stealing
  77. What would happen to a Spartan if they were caught stealing, why, and why?
    They would be beaten for clumsy stealing. Spartans thought that if the stealers were bought for clumsy stealing, they would learn better techniques in the future.
  78. On what island did he Minoans build their brilliant early civilization?
    On Crete
  79. Since the success of the Minoans depended on trade, what did the acquire through their contacts with Egypt and Mesopotamia?
    Through their contacts with Egypt and Mesopotamia, the Minoans acquired new ideas and technology
  80. Around 1400 BCE, the Minoan civilization mysteriously disappeared. What are three possible reasons for the collapse of the Minoan civilization?
    A volcanic eruption, an earthquake, or a tidal wave/tsunami may have possibly caused the collapse of the Minoan civilization as well as possibly invaders
  81. In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a creature with the head of a bull on the body of a man ('part man, part bull'). Tell his 'story.'
    He lived at the center of a labyrinth (maze) on the island of Crete which was built for King Minos and designed to hold the Minotaur. The Minotaur was eventually killed by Theseus, the son of Aegeus, king of Sparta.
  82. Greece is part of the what peninsula?
    The Balkan peninsula
  83. What divides the Balkan peninsula into isolated valleys?
  84. How much of Greece is covered by mountains?
    three fourths
  85. What is the highest mountain in Greece?
    Mount Olympus
  86. How many rocky islands were of of the Balkan peninsula?
  87. True or false: Greece did not create a large empire but instead built many small city-states
  88. The individualism of all of the city-states of Greece led to what?
    Endless rivalry and frequent wars
  89. What was a vital link to the world outside of Greece?
    The seas
  90. What sea neighboring the Ionian and Black seas united the Greek people?
    Aegean Sea
  91. What provided safe harbors for ships?
  92. What did the people in the Mediterranean area become?
    skilled sailors, carrying cargoes of olive oil, wine, and marble
  93. When people returned from the Mediterranean, what did they return with?
    Not only grains and metals, but with ideas which they adapted to their own needs (like the alphabet)
  94. What happened after the Persian Wars?
    A golden age for the polis (city-state) of Athens
  95. Under the statesman who, what happened?
    Pericles, economy thrived and the government became more democratic
  96. The Golden Age is also referred to as what?
    The Age of Pericles
  97. From when to when did the Golden Age occur?
    From 460 BCE to 429 BCE
  98. What kind of government did Athens have?
    A direct democracy
  99. In direct democracy, does a large or a small number of citizens take direct part in the day-to-day affairs of government?
  100. How is the government set up today?
    Today, citizens participate indirectly through elected representatives
  101. In the Assembly, how many members met several times a month to decide on important issues?
    6,000 members
  102. What did the Athenians think about certain men partaking in government?
    They believed all male citizens, regardless of wealth or class, should take part in government.
  103. What is a jury?
    A panel of citizens who have the authority to make the final judgement in a trial
  104. How many jurors are in the modern American jury?
  105. How many members were in the Athenian jury?
    Hundreds or even thousands of members
  106. What were the qualifications to serving as a juror in Athens?
    A male citizen over 30 years of age, has to serve for a whole year
  107. In Athens, they hired the best architects and sculptors to rebuild the what?
    The Parthenon
  108. What did Greece contribute to?
    Architecture, art, literature, philosophy, and history
  109. What is an oration?
    A formal speech
  110. What was the agora?
    A marketplace or a gathering place where people would go to talk about politics an barter for food, clothing, and valuable items
  111. What is a civil war?
    A war between neighboring cities/towns
  112. What is a strait?
    A narrow channel of water
  113. What is a fresco?
    An artistic piece of art
  114. What is an epic?
    A long story telling of the deeds of the main character
  115. What is an alliance?
    An agreement between two towns, states, etc. for peace
  116. What is a government?
    The laws and how the city follows them (ish)
  117. What is a phalanx?
    The formation of hoplites typically 8 ranks deep and a mile wide
  118. What is aristocracy?
    more powerful and richer than most, usually born into upper class status
  119. What is oligarchy?
    Rule by the few
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Seventh Grade Social Studies Ancient Greece Chapter Test
Made 5/20/13, Test 5/21/13