OB 510

  1. Define: puerperium
    • postpartum period 6-8 weeks
    • time period following childbirth when the mother's uterus shrinks and the other functional and anatomic changes of pregnancy are resolved
  2. How long is the puerperium?
  3. Indications for a puerperium us?
    • RPOC
    • postpartum hemorrhage
    • inflammatory complications
    • ovarian vein thrombophlebitis
    • C-section incision survey (hematomas/abscess)
    • assess uterine involution for obese patients
  4. Postpartum endometrial measurements:
    • 5-13mm
    • 10 days past 3-6
  5. puerperium uterus measurements
    14-25 cm X 7-10cm X 7-14cm
  6. How many ligaments support the uterus?
  7. Is there a difference in regression size of uterus with breastfeeding and bottle-feeding mothers?
  8. You see echogenic material and some fluid in the endometrium 1 week post delivery. What may you think?
    • RPOC
    • may appear complex mass / may have some blood flow
  9. Postpartum hemorrhage would be defined as bloodloss > __________?
  10. What is the most lethal puerperium complication?
    • postpartum hemorrhage
    • 35% of maternal deaths
  11. Common causes of puerperium hemorrhage? (7)
    • uterine atony
    • vag/cx tears
    • RPOC
    • placenta previa
    • placenta accreta
    • uterine rupture
    • hereditary blood clotting abnormalities
  12. 2 types of pp hemorrage?
    • delayed
    • acute (first 24 hrs)
  13. Define: Lochia
    substance discharged from the vagina (cellular debris and mucus and blood) that gradually decreases in amount during the weeks following childbirth
  14. Acute hemorrhage usually caused by:
  15. Define: secudines
    The afterbirth
  16. Causes of delayed hemorrhage?
    • secudines
    • subinvolution
  17. Define: uterine atony
    Uterine atony is a loss of tone in the uterine musculature.
  18. Define: subinvolution
    Subinvolution is a medical condition in which after childbirth, the uterus does not return to its normal size.
  19. Define: puerperal infection
    The term puerperal infection refers to a bacterial infection following childbirth.
  20. Define: Endometritis
    • inflammation of the lining of the uterus (of the endometrium)
    • caused by retained secudines or vag microorganisms
  21. Define: thrombophlebitis
    phlebitis in conjunction with the formation of a blood clot (thrombus)
  22. _________% ovarian vein thrombophlebitis are __________ sided.
    • 90%
    • Right
    • (usually occurs 1st few days after delivery)
    • CT & MRI exams of choice
  23. Other postpartum complications: Uterine & Parauterine collections: HULA
    • hematoma
    • urinoma
    • lymphocele
    • abscess
  24. Name common types of hematomas post C-section: (4)
    • 1. incisional
    • 2. rectus sheath
    • 3. subfacial
    • 4. bladder flap (potential space between uterus & bladder)
  25. Define: febrile
    of or relating to or characterized by fever
  26. Where is the MC site of uterine rupture?
    previous C-section scar
  27. When the puerperium endometrium is >________ you being to call it bulky.
  28. Define: VBAC
    vaginal birth after C-section
  29. What is the fastest incision to get a baby out?
  30. Define: encarcerated uterus
    In a small percentage of cases, the growing uterus is 'snagged' on pelvic bone ( usually the sacrum). This condition is known as 'incarcerated uterus'.
  31. Pursestring sutures aka?
  32. Define: Lithotomy position
    a position lying on your back with knees bent and thighs apart; assumed for vaginal or rectal examination
Card Set
OB 510
Postpartum UterusHowma