Biomechanics Quiz Questions set 2.txt

  1. The units of measurement for force (which include weight, drag force, lift force, friction force, and vertical ground reaction force) are...
    newton (N)
  2. The units of measurement for radius rotation, radius of resistance, and moment arm are...
    meters (m)
  3. The units of measurement for linear speed and projectile speed are...
    meters per second (m/s)
  4. The units of measurement for an angle are...
    radians (rad)
  5. The units of measurement for angular velocity are...
    radians per second (rad/s)
  6. The units of measurement for angular impulse are...
    newton-meter-sec (N-m-s)
  7. The units of measurement for angular momentum are...
    kilogram meter squared per second (kg-m2/s)
  8. The units of measurement for angular inertia are...
    kilogram meter squared (kg-m2)
  9. The units of measurement for torque are...
    newton-meter (N-m)
  10. Which of the following is/are force(s) that influence the movement of a projectile when it is in air?
    • weight (W)
    • drag force(Fd)
    • lift force (FL)

    the second letter in drag force and lift force is a subscript
  11. Which of the following describe a "change in a factor" that would increase a projectile's maximum vertical height?
    • projectile speed
    • projectile angle
  12. Which of the following describe "a change in a factor" that would increase a projectile's maximum horizontal distance?
    • projectile speed
    • time in air
  13. Which of the following describe "a change in a factor" that would increase a projectile's time in the air?
    • projectile speed
    • relative projection height
    • projection angle
  14. Fill in the blank: "A body's total _______ is the result of an optimal combination of individual joint linear speeds."
    linear speed
  15. During a jump, ankle plantar flexion results in an increase in linear speed of the following joints
    all joints superior to the ankle
  16. During a jump, knee extension results in an increase in linear speed of the following joints
    all joints superior to the knee
  17. During a jump, hip extension results in an increase in linear speed of the following joints
    all joints superior to the hip
  18. "The straight-line distance from a joint/body axis of rotation to a point on a body segment" is the definition of...
    radius of rotation
  19. "The speed of joint/body rotation" is the definition of...
    linear speed
  20. Based on the "Linear Speed - Angular Velocity Principle" which of the following describes "a change in factor" that would increase the linear speed of a point on a rotating body?
    joint angular velocity


    radius of rotation

  21. Based on the "Angular Impulse - Momentum Principle" which of the following describes "a change in factor" that would increase the angular velocity of a body segment?
    an increase in joint torque (Tj) applied to the body component


    an increase in application time (t) of the joint torque


    a decrease in the body component's angular inertia (I)
  22. Based on the "Joint Torque Principle" which of the following describes "a change in factor" that would increase joint torque?
    an increase in a muscle force (Fm) pulling on the bones that are held together at the joint


    an increase in the moment arm (dma)
Card Set
Biomechanics Quiz Questions set 2.txt