
  1. Independent Variable
    Variables that you can change on purpose to make your investigation.

    i.e. different colors of M&M's
  2. Comparative Investigation
    Investigations that has you compare 2 or more objects.
  3. Controlled Variable
    A variable that you can not keep the same or change quickly.

    i.e. room temperature
  4. Descriptive Investigations
    Investigations that include exact measurements of the data from the investigation.

    i.e. 8.9 grams of M&M's
  5. Dependent Variable
    The variable that you do not change in your experiment.

    i.e.  same amount of water in a petri dish
  6. Matter
    Anything that takes up space, had mass and volume

    i.e. water, gas, liquid, solid
  7. Chemical Symbol
    A shorter name for an element

    i.e. AU stands for gold
  8. Element
    Matter using only one type of atom

    i.e. Gold is an element
  9. Atoms
    Basic building block of matter
  10. Experimental Investigation
    Investigations that include different kinds of matter that are the same "kind"

    i.e. 7 types of flowers
  11. metal
    • solids
    • hard
    • shiny luster
    • metallic luster
    • conduct heat and electricity
    • malllable
    • ductile
  12. nonmetal
    • gas
    • oxygen
    • hydrogen
    • nitrogen
    • dull luster
    • insulators
    • soft and brittle
  13. physical
  14. luster
    • metals:  shiny and metallic luster
    • non-metals:  dull luster
  15. density
  16. malleable
    metals and non-metals combind
  17. ductible
  18. brittle
    non metals
  19. conductor
  20. insulator
Card Set
Science vocab 6th grade