1. Poetry
    A poem, book or song
  2. Exposition
    Beginning of a book

    other words:  expose
  3. Drama
    A genre set aside for plays only
  4. Resolution
    The ending of a book or story

    other words:  resolve, resolute, solution
  5. Non-Fiction
    A true story, real people, events, places and ideas
  6. Climax
    The most exciting part of a book/story

    other words:  climatic, anti-climatic
  7. Media
    News and current events
  8. Fiction
    • A fake story, a short story, novella, novel.
    • Types:  realistic fiction, historical fiction, sic-fi
  9. Rising Action
    The book/story is getting interesting

    other words:  rise
  10. Plot
    What happens in the book/story

    other words:  plotting, plots
  11. Falling Action

    other words:  fall, fallen
  12. internal conflict
    inner struggle

    other words:  internalize
  13. external conflict
    outer struggle

    other words:  externalize
  14. text support

    other words:  supportive, supports
  15. characterization

    other words:  character, characters, characterize
  16. pronoun
    replacement (a word used in place of a noun)

    other words:  noun, pro-prefix meaning 'substitution' in this case
  17. antecedent
    Ante-prefix  means "before previous to"

    Word that a pronoun replaces or refers in writing
  18. protagonist
    main character
  19. antagonist
    other words:  antagonize, antagonistic

    bad guy
  20. imagery
    other words:  imagine, image

  21. figurative language
    other words:  figuratively; figure

    imaginative writing
  22. dialogue
    conversation; talking
  23. conversational voice
    story telling, talking
  24. dialect
    other words:  dialectical, dialects

    language form
  25. simile
    other words:  similar

    unique comparaison
  26. methaphor
    other words:  metaphoric; metaphorically

    unique comparaison
  27. speaker tag
    other words:  speaker tags, speak, speaking, speaks
Card Set
6th Grade