255 infection

  1. disseminated infection means
    spread of infection beyond the local area
  2. latent viral infection =
    viral infection that is dormant
  3. septicemia =
    systemic infection but not necessarily bacteria
  4. super infection is caused when
    normal flora are killed and opportunistic microorganisms become pathogenic
  5. pathogenic means
    to cause disease
  6. health care associated infections are greater for which patients
    • immunocompromised
    • pregnant
    • children, elderly
    • co-morbidities
    • indwelling devices
    • breaks in innate defenses
  7. virulence =
    the potency of a pathogen
  8. infectivity =
    the # of exposures needed for development of the disease
  9. toxigenicity =
    ability of pathogen to produce toxins
  10. antigenicity =
    degree to which immune system views pathogen as foreign
  11. gram positive =
    violet color after gram stain
  12. gram negative
    pink/red gram stain
  13. which are more difficult to treat positive or negative
  14. mycoses mean
    fungal infection
  15. fungal infections are not common in who
    healthy immune systems
  16. chain of infection include
    • infectious agent
    • reservoirs
    • portal of exits
    • means of transmission
    • portal of entry
    • susceptible host
  17. different modes of transmission =
    • direct contact
    • droplet - pneumonia, flu (withing 3 ft)
    • airborne  - TB, small resp particles
    • vector - vehicle that harbors particles (ticks)
  18. phases of infection
    Image Upload 1
  19. prodromal phase of infection =
    • subclinical illness
    • pt has disease but has few symptoms
  20. leukocytosis =
    elevation in WBC
  21. leukopenia =
    decrease in WBC
  22. serum antibody level tests what
    the presence of certain antibodies against pathogens
  23. how long does it take to get a culture and sensitivity test back
    2-3 days
  24. attentuated vaccine =
    live (weakend) virus
  25. inactivated vaccine =
  26. if pt is allergic to eggs what is contraindicated
Card Set
255 infection
255 infection