Unit 2 cards

  1. cardiac myocytes are joined end to end by junction called
    intercalated discs
  2. electrical connections at these junctions enable a wave of excitation to tracel rapidly from cell to cell, and mechanical connections keep the myocytes from pulling aprart when the heart contracts
    intercalated discs of cardiac muscle
  3. maintain connection to surface with a duct (epthelial tube) example salivary glands
    exocrine glands
  4. dont have ducts but secrete their products (hormones) directly to the blood stream
    endocrine gland
  5. produce thin, watery secretion example sweat, milk, tears
    serous gland
  6. produce a glyco protein, that absorbs water to form a sticky secretion
    mucous gland
  7. the product is released from the cell by secretory vessicles example sweat or mucus are produced this way
    mecrocrine glands
  8. apocrine secretion involves the loss of some of the cytoplasm along with secretoy vessicle. the apical part of the cell becomes filled with secretory vessicle. these vesicles and the cytoplasm in that area are shed at the sametime
    apocrine gland
  9. replacement of dead or damaged cells with original cells
    regeneration of tissue
  10. replacement of damaged cells with scar tissue (callagen)
  11. helps hold organ together, function is not restored
  12. the largest membrane in the body
    cutaneous membrane
  13. skin
    cutaneous membrane
  14. composed of stratified squamous epithelium called the epidermis resting on layer of connective tissue, the dermis
    cutaneous membrane
  15. this is made up of simple squamous epithelium on areolar tissue
    serous membrane
  16. covers organs and body walls
    serous membrane
  17. produces serous fluid
    serous membrane
  18. lines passage way that open to the extereor: digestive, repitory, urinary and reproductive
    serous membrane
  19. 3 layers of the mucous membrane
    • epthelium
    • lamina propria
    • musculari mucosae
  20. membrane is importatn in absorption, secretion and protection
    mucus membrane
  21. found in joints
    made only of connective tissue
    span the gap from one bone to the next and secrete slippery synovial fluid to the joint
    synovial membrane
  22. tissue growth through cell multiplication
  23. change from one type of mature tissue to another
  24. elargement of preexisting cells
  25. growth of a tumor through growth of abnormal tissue
  26. shrinking from loss of cell size/number
  27. pathological death of tissue
  28. programmed cell death
  29. unspecialized tissue of embryo to specialized mature types
  30. heredity defect in elastin fibers
    marfan syndrome
  31. hereditary defect in collagen synthesis
    elders danlos syndrome
  32. is infuffencen collagen in bone making them brittle
    ostegenesis imperfectly
  33. lack of vitamin C neede for synthesis of 2 amino acide used to synthesize collage
Card Set
Unit 2 cards
unit 2 a+p