Social Psych

  1. attribution of success to ones self
    self serving bias
  2. taking credit by crediting internal attributes
    self serving bias
  3. attributing things to outside factors after a failure is bad for improvement but
    good for the self esteem
  4. self enhancement biases appear stronger in cultures with an
    independent self concept
  5. women have more of an ____ sense of self than men
  6. John Bargh returned to the idea of
    unconscious processing
  7. two types of mental shortcuts
    schema and heuristics
  8. makes available networks around schema for quick thinking. activating neural networks
  9. tendency to interpret, seek, and create info that verifies our pre existing beliefs. eg blondes are dumb.
    confirmation bias
  10. tendency to presume that someone/ something belongs to a particular group if he/she/it resembles a typical behavior
    representativeness heuristic
  11. tendency to perceive events that are easy to remember as more frequent and more likely to happen than events that are more difficult to recall. summer of the shark!
    availability heuristic
  12. information presented first is more lasting than information presented later
    primacy impressions
  13. two parts of the attribution theory
    • -something within the person we observe (dispostional)
    • -caused by something outside the person we observe (situational attribution)
  14. 3 factors to the kelly correlational model
    • -consensus
    • -consistency
    • -distinctiveness
  15. tendency to attribute the behavior of others to their dispostion (internal), largely ignoring the situational (external)
    fundamental attribution error
  16. actors have a tendency to attribute their own behavior to
    external causes
  17. holding people more accountable for their situation as they should be held
    anchoring and adjustment heuristic
  18. observers favor ______ attributions for other behaviors
  19. mental shortcuts people use to make judgements quickly and efficiently
    judgemental heuristics
  20. mental rule of thumb whereby people base a judgement on the ease with which they can bring something to mind
    availability heuristic
  21. a mental shortcut whereby people classify something according to how similar it is to a typical case
    representative heuristic
  22. information about the relative frequency of members of different categories in the population eg the NYU college guy
    base rate information
  23. mentally changing some aspect of the past as a way of imagining what might have been
    counter factual thinking
  24. we develop a sense of self around
    18 months of age
  25. learning about ourselves based on what people think of us. what we think others think of us
    looking glass self
  26. comparing ourselves to an "accuracy group"
    comparison to others
  27. an aspirational goal comparison
    upward social comparison
  28. self enhancement comparison
    downward social comparison
  29. the two factors of the two factor theory of emotion
    • -physiological arousal
    • -situational info for cognitive interpretation
  30. lining up with ones own personal goals
    self awareness
  31. how others behaviors threatens our self esteem depends on closeness and relevance of behavior
    self evaluation maintenance theory
  32. increasing self esteem by associating with others who are successful
    BIRGing (basking in reflected glory)
  33. goal of ___ ____ is to identify universal properties of human nature that makes everyone susceptible to social influence
    social psychology
  34. conviction that all of us share that we perceive things as they really are
    naive realism
  35. studies that are designed to find the best answer to the question of why people behave as they do and are conducted purely for intellectual curiosity
    basic research
  36. geared toward solving a particular social problem
    applied research
  37. people do not use base rate info sufficiently, they pay most attention to
    representative information
  38. 3 situations schemas are typically used in
    • -past experience
    • -relation to current goal
    • -becoming temporarily available because of recent experiences (priming)
  39. to express or emit nonverbal behavior, such as smiling or patting someone on the back
  40. to interpret the meaning of the nonverbal behavior other people express
  41. a facial expression in which one part of the face registers one emotion while another part of the face registers a different emotion.
    affect blend
  42. culturally determined rules about which nonverbal behaviors are appropriate to display
    display rules
  43. type of schema people use to group various kinds of personality traits together. eg nice people must be generous as well
    implicit personality theory
  44. the data we use are about how a persons behavior covaries, or changes across time, place, and different targets of the behavior. by discovering the covariation in behavior we can reach a judgement about what caused a behavior
    covariation model
  45. the seeming importance of information that is the focus of peoples attention
    perceptual salience
  46. western cultures think more like personality psychologists
    in contrast eastern cultures seem to think more lie social psychologists
  47. self serving bias is strongest in the ___ ____ and other ____ ____
    united states, western countries
  48. in collectivist cultures such as china people attribute failure to
    internal causes, not external ones
  49. just world attributions are more likely in
    cultures of extremes
  50. the way in which we present ourselves to other people
    impression management
  51. men have ____ _____ meaning that they focus on their memberships in larger groups
    collective interdependence
  52. the idea that when people focus their attention on themselves they evaluate and compare their behavior to their internal standards and values
    self awareness theory
  53. attitude change resulting from thinking about the reasons for ones attitudes; people assume that their attitudes match the reasons that are plausible and easy to verbilize
    reasons generated attitude change
  54. the process whereby people adopt another persons attitudes . we automatically adopt the views of people we like, but automatically reject the views of people we do not
    social tuning
  55. ability to make choices about what to do in the present and plan for the future
    being an executive
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Social Psych
test 1