1. What are the tasks included in the CARE IADL category?
    • Memory Tip: Days of the week 
    • M-Meal Preparation
    • T-Transportation
    • W- Wood Supply
    • H-Housekeeping
    • F- Finances
    • S- Shopping
  2. What is the self-performance category for IADLs trying to capture?
    How the client performed the task in the last 30 days. (After setup?)
  3. How is self-performance coded for IADL categories?
    • Independent:No help, setup, supervision
    • Set up only: Set up/arrangements
    • Limited Assistance: Sometimes did on own, other times needed help.
    • Extensive Assistance: Client is involved but required cueing/supervision or partial assist at all times.
    • Total Dependence: Activity performed by others
    • Activity Did not Occur
  4. What is the difficulty category for IADLs trying to capture?
    How difficult it would be for the client to do the activity on their own.

    • How is difficulty coded for IADL categories?
    • No difficulty
    • Some difficulty (e.g., needs some help, is very slow or fatigues easily)
    • Great difficulty (little or no involvement in activity possible)
  5. What is the status category trying to capture?
    Who is available and willing to help client do task? CARE does not want to supplant supports that are already in place. 
  6. How is status coded for IADLs?
    • Met: Informal resources will meet all of this need.
    • Partially Met: Informal resources will meet part of this need.
    • Unmet: There are no other available resources to meet the client's need. 
    • Client Declines
    • Shared Benefit
  7. If partially met, you have to calculate how much of task is partially met by informal supports. What are the options to choose from?
    • Less than 1/4
    • 1/4 to 1/2
    • Over 1/2 to 3/4
    • Over 3/4 but not all the time
  8. What is assistance available trying to capture?
    The amount of time that informal supports are able to help with a task. 
  9. How is informal support defined?
    Non-ADSA paid (except adult day health and skilled care).
  10. How is assistance available calculated?
    Number of times task occurred divided by number of times informal (non-ADSA) assistance is available to assist client with task.

    • e.g.
    • 21 meals during past 7 days
    • Informal help everyday for breakfast (7 times)

    7/21 = .33, so category equals 1/4 to 1/2

    So units could be times per day/week or hours per day, etc.
  11. What is a shared benefit?
    Client and paid caregiver both share in the benefit of an IADL task being performed or two or more client's in a multi-client household benefit from the same IADL task(s) being performed.
  12. What are some questions you can ask about shared benefit?
    When provider does task, is part of task being done for their own benefit 


    In a multi-client household, when the task is performed, is it being done for more than one person?
  13. How is meal preparation defined?
    How meals are prepared.
  14. What are subtasks of meal preparation?
    • Meal planning + meal preparation
    • Preparing ingredients for cooking
    • Reheating meals
    • Operating Kitchen appliances
    • Throwing out spoiled food
    • Cleaning up after meal + meal preparation.
  15. What is considered set up for meal preparation?
    • Cueing or reminding to prepare meals/snacks,
    • Taking items from shelves,
    • Opening cans/bottles & packaged foods
    • Assembling ingredients for cooking
Card Set
Scoring IADLs